
Welcome to Westminster Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Mrs Ramakrishnan

Teaching assistant: Miss Dale

Week Beginning 9th July 2018

July 6, 2018


We are finishing our police reports based on the book Tuesday before moving on to revisiting stories. The children will be using picture prompts to plan and write their own individual stories.


We are still really enjoying Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. We are able to talk about the story & characters and are able to make predictions about what may happen in the text.

We will also be looking at key reading comprehension skills as a whole class using pictures and short passages of text as a stimuli.


We have been consolidating various skills over the past couple of weeks. In the coming week we will be reviewing and investigating 3D shape and fractions. We will also be completing puzzles and challenges that cover number and calculating.


We will be continuing with our new module of Zippy’s Friends.


We are going to be doing tennis skills on a Monday and doing Real PE on Wednesday.





We have been learning about the artist LS Lowry. This week we are going to be using his influence to practice drawing matchstick people moving in different ways before painting a water colour seaside scene. We will be then drawing matchstick people over the seaside scene.

The art work will be on show at our 120th year celebrations in a couple of weeks- more information to follow 🙂

DON’T FORGET: Sports Day is Tuesday 10th July. If you have not returned the slip telling us how your child is getting there please do so as soon as possible.

Week Beginning 11th June 2018

June 7, 2018


We will be continuing to work on the text Tuesday.

We will be sequencing the story and writing the ‘would-be’ story together as a class using all our great vocabulary and grammar knowledge 🙂



We are still really enjoying Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. We are able to talk about the story & characters and are able to make predictions about what may happen in the text.

We will also be looking at key reading comprehension skills as a whole class using pictures and short passages of text as a stimuli.


We are continuing to work on  Statistics. This will include learning about tally charts, pictograms and block charts. The children’s knowledge of counting in 2s,5s and 10s will support this learning as the information on the pictograms and block charts gets more challenging.


We will be continuing with our new module of Zippy’s Friends.


We are going to be doing tennis skills on a Monday and doing Real PE on Wednesday.


We will be moving on to look at ways we can keep ourselves healthy. This week we will be thinking about a balanced diet.



This week is Healthy Living week and so we are going to be linking this with D&T to design and make smoothies or fruit salads in class.

You should have received a letter asking for nominal donation of 50p to cover the cost of buying fruits, yoghurt etc.. Thank you in advance for your contribution.