

Welcome to Vauxhall Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Mr Shahzar

Teaching assistant: Mrs Hunjan



Week Beginning 20th November, 2017

November 17, 2017

Thank you very much for attending our Harvest Assembly celebrations on Tuesday 14th November.  ‘The Little Red Hen’ performance was superb.

A big thank you to all the parents who supported with our Year 1 class trip to the Cinema on Friday morning. I know your child enjoyed every minute.


Our school is involved in Operation Christmas Child to bring joy to children who are suffering and are in difficult circumstances. Please contribute to help them. Our school, shoe box appeal closing date is Monday 20th November. Please check the link for more information.

We have ‘Science Opens Doors’ session on Tuesday 21st November at 3.30pm to 5.00pm in our school hall. This event is for your children, parents and carers. Your family can have fun with science.


We enjoy celebrating you child’s birthday. However, there are children in our year group who suffer from nut allergies and will have serious reactions if they are in contact with nuts. So please do not bring cakes in unless they are in sealed bags or party bags which we can hand out at the door at Home time.

Congratulations to our Mathletics Award Winners!  Well done!

Lambeth Class – Silver Awards:- Rebeka, Shaira, Zofia, Alvin and Zuzanna.

Bronze Awards:- Patrick, Angelo, Francis, Vera, Tanush, Martin, Harshana,

Maxwell, Sheznin and Alexandru .

Vauxhall Class –Bronze awards:- Nathan, Dhiyanesh, Taliyah, Mason, Yashal, Jacob, Octavian

Super Mathlete

Lambeth Class – Alvin-4940 points

Vauxhall Class- Taliyah-5840 points


Our  topic is ‘Sort it Out’. It is related to our science learning about materials. Children will learn about everyday materials ( glass, plastic, metal, wood etc..), explore and understand their properties.



Our focus text this week is ‘The Lonely Beast’. We are exploring a range of new texts which children enjoy and promote a love for reading and inspire them to write. We will be learning about adjectives (large, cheerful, playful, beautiful, handsome) and prepositions (through, between, in, on, under)


Children will recap on Position and directions and focus on Place Value-teen numbers and counting in ones, twos and tens.


Last week, our theme is Anti-bullying as it is Anti Bullying week. We will continue exploring the theme using the story ‘Something Else’. Our theme for this year – All Different All Equal.


We are going to perform ‘The Christmas Story’ soon. Children are learning some songs.


Week Beginning 13th November, 2018

November 11, 2017

A big thank you to all the parents who attended the Autumn Art fun session on Friday afternoon. I know your children enjoyed the fun activities with you. We look forward to organising more sessions with you!


Our cinema trip is on Friday 17th November and children need to be in school by 8:30 am as we need to be in Purley Way Vue Cinema before 10:00 am. 



Our Harvest Assembly celebrations is on Tuesday 14th November at (9:15 am and 3:00 pm). Please attend and join in the celebrations. Children will be performing ‘The Little Red Hen’.


Our school is involved in Operation Christmas Child to bring joy to children who are suffering and are in difficult circumstances. Please contribute to help them. The closing date is Friday 17th November. Please check the link for more information.

Operation Christmas Child


We enjoy celebrating you child’s birthday. However, there are children in our year group who suffer from nut allergies and will have serious reactions if they are in contact with nuts. So please do not bring cakes in unless they are in sealed bags or party bags which we can hand out at the door at Home time.


Congratulations to our Mathletics Bronze Award Winners !  Well done !

Lambeth Class – Maxmilian, Patrick, Kaziah, Angelo, Francis, Vera, Harry, Tanush, Martin, Shaira, Zofia, A;vin, Harshana, Sheznin, Zuzanna, Alexandru, Suden. Monae

Vauxhall Class – Sarah, Nathan, Jaziah, Dhiyanesh

Super Mathlete

Lambeth Class – Tanush – 8950 Points


Our  topic is ‘Sort it Out’. It is related to our science learning about materials. Children will learn about everyday materials ( glass, plastic, metal, wood etc..), explore and understand their properties.


Our focus text this week is ‘The Lonely Beast’. We are exploring a range of new texts which children enjoy and promote a love for reading and inspire them to write.


Children will explore Position and direction and will enjoy playing games using prepositions which will be linked to our English text.

Try and explore using the link



Our theme is Anti-bullying as it is Anti Bullying week. We will exploring the theme using the story ‘Something Else’. Our theme for this year – All Different All Equal

Home work
Homework is sent home every Friday and should be promptly returned every Wednesday.  Mathletics homework is also set weekly related to the concepts children are learning. Children can earn bronze, silver and gold certificates as they earn the points. Please check the back of your reading record for your child’s username and password.  Reading is very important and please enjoy reading a range of fun books as well as their reading books to promote a love for reading.
Please support your child to develop keyboard skills to type their name and write a few sentences – focusing on shift key ( for capital letters), space bar, enter, delete key.