

Welcome to Vauxhall Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Mr Shahzar

Teaching assistant: Mrs Hunjan



Week beginning 4th December 2017

December 1, 2017

Thank you very much for attending our ‘Science Opens Doors’ and book fair in the hall. Please support our school by buying lots of books for your children.

A big thank you to all the parents who had contributed and supported with our ‘Operation Christmas Child’ -shoe box appeal. As a whole school we managed to collect 67 boxes. Lambeth class contributed 8 boxes and Vauxhall class contributed 9 boxes.

We are organising a Year 1-Christmas Production. This will take place in the hall on Wednesday 13th December at 2.15pm. Parents, please book your tickets on time.

Please provide your child’s costume by Friday 9th December for our dress rehearsals.


We enjoy celebrating you child’s birthday. However, there are children in our year group who suffer from nut allergies and will have serious reactions if they are in contact with nuts. So please do not bring cakes in unless they are in sealed bags or party bags which we can hand out at the door at Home time.

Congratulations to our Mathletics Award winners!

Well done!

Lambeth Class –

Silver Awards–   Patrick, Francis, Maxwell

Bronze Awards– Ameliya, Kamil, Rebeka, Tanush, Martin, Shaira, Zifia, Dominic, Harshana, Sheznin, Alexandru, Suden, Alvin

Vauxhall Class –

Bronze Awards– Abigail, Mason, Jacob, Yashal, Sarah, Ethan, Lena

Silver Awards-Nathan, Taliyah

Super Mathlete Awards

Lambeth Class – Tanush-6389 points

Vauxhall Class-  Abigail-4932 points

Our  topic is ‘Sort it Out’. It is related to our science learning about materials. Children will continue to learn about everyday materials, understand their properties. This week we will be focusing on Natural and Man-made materials. For e.g.-natural materials are wood, coal, clay, sand, iron, rock, leather and man-made materials are bricks, glass, paper.


Our focus text is ‘The Lonely Beast’. We will continue and complete our story maps and the children will be writing the story of ‘The Lonely Beast’. We have been learning about adjectives (large, cheerful, playful, beautiful, handsome) and prepositions (through, between, in, on, under). This week we will be encouraging children to use them in their story writing.


Children will continue Place Value-teen numbers and counting in ones, twos and tens.


We will continue exploring the theme using the story ‘Something Else’. Our theme for this year group – All Different All Equal. This week we are going to make a poster for our display board.


We are going to perform ‘The Christmas Story’ soon. Children are learning some songs.

Home work
Homework is sent home every Friday and should be promptly returned every Wednesday.  Mathletics homework is also set weekly related to the concepts children are learning. Children can earn bronze, silver and gold certificates as they earn the points. Please check the back of your reading record for your child’s username and password.

Reading is very important and please enjoy reading a range of fun books as well as their reading books to promote a love for reading. Please remember to write a comment or sign your child’s reading record regularly. We appreciate your support to enable your child to be a fluent reader.


Week beginning 27th November, 2017

November 23, 2017

[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Thank you very much to all the parents who attended the SPaG & Handwriting workshop. Your children enjoyed working with you. If you were unable to attend, the presentation as well as handouts have been sent home.[/dropshadowbox]

Congratulations to our Mathletic Award winners…

Silver Awards

Lambeth Class : Tanush, Alexandru, Sheznin

Vauxhall Class : Jacob

Bronze Awards

Lambeth Class : Kayden, Ameliya, Hugh, Patrick, Kamil, Francis, Maxwell, Suden, Rebeka, Martin, Djamal, Shaira, Zofia, Alvin, Zuzanna

Vauxhall Class : Yashal, Mason, Abigail, Nathan. Taliyah, Ethan, Dhiyanesh

Super Mathlete Award goes to …

Lambeth Class : Tanush (4840 Points)

Vauxhall Class : Abigail (3212 Points)

Well done everyone who are completing the weekly Mathletic challenges for  homework !!


Thank you very much to everyone who contributed generously to the Shoebox Appeal – Operation Christmas Child. Its much appreciated and the boxes will be collected next Tuesday.



Our featured text is ‘The Lonely Beast’. We will be doing a range of drama and role play activities which will promote talk and enrich children’s vocabulary as well as develop their creative skills. Children will be exploring adjectives as well as prepositions and creating story maps in preparation to write narratives.


We will be revisiting place value and support children to partition numbers using the ten frame. Please encourage your child to understand the teen numbers by clicking on the link below.

Ten frame – Game



We continue our science topic ‘Sort it out’ which is about materials. Children will be identifying natural and man made materials and sorting them out as well as describing how objects feel – hard , soft, bumpy, rigid, transparent, smooth, waterproof… Why not play a game at home encouraging your child to look at different objects and describing them?


We will be looking at people who help us in the community for e.g fireman, police, doctor, nurse, paramedic, builder, teacher etc…


Please support your child to develop keyboard skills to type their name and write a few sentences – focusing on shift key ( for capital letters), space bar, enter, delete key.

Home work
Homework is sent home every Friday and should be promptly returned every Wednesday.  Mathletics homework is also set weekly related to the concepts children are learning. Children can earn bronze, silver and gold certificates as they earn the points. Please check the back of your reading record for your child’s username and password.

Reading is very important and please enjoy reading a range of fun books as well as their reading books to promote a love for reading. Please remember to write a comment or sign your child’s reading record regularly. We appreciate your support to enable your child to be a fluent reader.