
Welcome to London Bridge Class

Class Teacher: Miss S. Winser (Howard’s Curriculum Lead)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs R. Verma


Handed out on Fridays,

Returned by Wednesday,

Please remember that homework is an important building stone in the child’s learning and development. The children will receive Dojo-Points for completed homework as well as particularly outstanding contributions.

Daily Reading:

To help further develop the children’s reading and academic development, please support and encourage the children to read daily for at least 10 minutes. This daily reading should then be recorded (title + pages) in the Learning Diary. We would kindly ask parents to sign/initial the record.

The children will receive Dojo-Points for daily reading.

Recommended reading books for Year 5:

Best Books for Year 5 | Ages 9-10 | BooksForTopics

Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (

Reading Activities:

Once the children have completed reading a book, they then choose an activity related to the book (e.g. book-review, letter to the author, sequel, character profile, alternative cover etc.). This activity is completed in the child’s Reading Journal. Our wonderful teaching assistants will then check, feedback and record the completion of these activities.

The children will receive multiple Dojo-Points to reward exceptional work.


Our current P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday with Miss Handley.

Into the Summer Holidays …

July 19, 2020

… we go.

A very warm welcome to the last days in Year 5,

what a strange, challenging, rewarding and fantastic time it has been in many different aspects!

While Monday and Tuesday have our last prescribed lessons, please make sure that you are working very hard to revise and prepare for next year. Some of you will be doing the 11+ tests, others might have separate Secondary School tests and other might not take any tests. In any case, the last year of preparing you for the big, wide world is upon you and we feel your excitement and worries.

Have a fantastic 2/5 of a school week and a smashing summer break.

With a huge hug from your Year 5 team.

Here are the “click-able“ links from the picture above:


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Wednesday[/dropshadowbox]

… to everybody.

From your Year 5 team

Here are the last two chapters of Wonder.

If you want to, you could send us a “free-style” book-review.

Have fun.



[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Monday[/dropshadowbox]


  • Starter:


  • SpaG: Please complete the tasks on a sheet or Dojo and send us your answers. Thank you.

Class-Novel Reading I:

  • For today’s two sessions (so that we can finish the book), we are first listening to “Wonder” Part 8 – August – Part 2

      1. What did August notice when on the bus?

      2. What effect did this have on August?

      3. What was the first great activity?

      4. What would you hope to do on a nature trip/retreat?

      5. How do you know that August had a fantastic time? Give 3+ reasons/pieces of evidence.

      6. Explain how the countryside is different to the city as seen through August’s eyes.

      7. What was the big gossip on that evening? (check 5:40-6:30min into the recording)

      8. What happened at the beginning of the movie screening?

      9. What movie is being shown?

      10. List 5-10 facts you can find out about the movie.

      11. What did Jack and August do that wasn’t following the rules?

Class-Novel Reading II:

      1. What at the beginning of this part?

      2. If you were August, how would you feel?

      3. How do you think Jack felt?

      4. Who is Freddie Krueger?

      5. Who came to Jack’s and August’s rescue?

      6. What triggered the fight?

      7. How could this event mean a turn/change in the story?

      8. How do you think the kids felt when they were safe from the others?

      9. What caused huge panic and made August cry (“The waterworks”)?

      10. What is “The Emperor’s Guard”?

      11. Predict who you think the story will continue (3 facts/ideas).

Art: As last week’s Art was such a success, let’s join Mrs Cara again for a lesson on collages in the style of Henri Matisse.

    • Remember to send me your pictures.

    • Challenge: Create a factfile about Henry Matisse and share it with us.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Tuesday[/dropshadowbox]


  • Starter:


  • SpaG: Please complete the tasks on a sheet or Dojo and send us your answers. Thank you.

Class-Novel Reading I:

  • For today’s two sessions (so that we can finish the book), we are first listening to “Wonder” Part 8 – August – Part 4

    1. What book did August quote at the beginning of this section?

    2. What had changed though?

    3. What did August keep seeing when he closed his eyes?

    4. Explain how you think this event explains dad’s phrase: “Like a lamb to the slaughter.”

    5. How does all what has happened show that Auggie has grown up a lot?

    6. How have his parents, particularly his mum changed? Explain.

    7. What surprise did dad have for August and the rest of the family?

    8. Why did August enjoy the next day off school? (Give at least 2 reasons.)


Class-Novel Reading II:

  • Continue with “Wonder” Part 8 – August – Part 5

    1. Explain what the big shift was on August’s first day back at school.

    2. How has what August was known for changed fundamentally?

    3. What is August’s new nickname?

    4. What was found in Eddie’s locker?

    5. What were the “secrets” that Mr Tushman revealed in this section? (List at least three.)

    6. What did Mr Tushman keep Auggie’s self-portrait?

    7. What secret did dad reveal to August? How did he explain his action?

    8. How did August make dad laugh?

Science: I can describe and explain the stages in the rock-cycle.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f1e4e4″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#28a56a” ]In preparation for next year, have a go with these free workbooks from White-Rose: /[/dropshadowbox]


Oh no! The last full week this school year – 13/07/2020

July 12, 2020

Welcome back to the last full week of the school year,

What an exciting week. Finally, we will see each other again, Cannon Street Bridge Class on Tuesday (Surnames A-L 9:45-11:15; Surnames M-Z 13:15-14:45) and London Bridge Class on Thursday (Surnames A-M 9:45-11:15; Surnames N-Z 13:15-14:45).

There is a little change to the Maths. Since we are revising/revisiting a topic, you will have 2 sets of tasks, the revision is a must and the investigation is a can with a big please try it though. We are really looking forward to seeing your work.

Have a fantastic week and enjoy your learning.

The Year 5 team.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Friday[/dropshadowbox]


  • Today, you will receive the last “Family investigation“ or “Family Maths challenge“. Have fun and remember to only check once you have given your best.

    • The challenge is fairly quick …

    • therefore, I challenge you to create your own “Family investigation”/”Family challenge” in Maths that contains at least 5 different, tricky questions.

      • Shared it with your loved ones/test your parents.

  • Also, use the spare time to catch up with any Maths you haven‘t yet completed.


  • No SpaG today, but ensure you have done all the other ones from the week.


    • Challenge: Can you write your own story that teaches the lesson, “The only true gold is what‘s in your heart“.


Class-Novel Reading:

  • We are continuing with Miranda gaining a very different, almost unexpected insight into things.

  • Please listen and then complete the questions to “Wonder“ Part 7 – Miranda – Part 2.

Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):

      1. Summarise the events around the performance.

      2. Explain how the performance marks a change in the relationship between Via and Miranda.


Since this was only a short one, please continue with “Wonder” Part 8 – August – Part 1 – HOW EXCITING!!! (Please excuse the baby noises towards the end of the recording.)

      1. Explain why August is anxious as well as excited about what is about to happen.

      2. How does August’s changing relationship with Star Wars symbolises his growing up? Explain.

      3. What is the special thing that you want to be known for amongst your peers/friends?

      4. What effect has Auggie’s comment, “Ai, ai, Sir.” towards mum?

      5. Which book was August reading until he fell asleep?

      6. What effect did August seeing Daisy’s ghost have on him?



Instead of ICT which is usually a little tricky to share, let‘s have an extended Spanish afternoon when you can revise and catch-up with the following topics on Language-Angels → Entry Level Challenge:

  • Unit 3: “Basic Vocabulary“

  • Unit 1: Puedo …“

  • Challenge I: Try Unit 2 “Los Instrumentos“

  • Challenge II: Create a learning poster showing us all you have learnt in Spanish this year.

  • Please send a picture for some extra Dojo-Points.

  • Please simply …

    • go to

    • click on “Log-in“ at the top lefthand side

    • click on “Log-in Home School“ → FREE (for language angels schools) → log-in: Howard1986 pw: lahome

    • choose Spanish (top-middle – Spanish flag)

    • After that, play some topic related games from the Games section.

    • Enjoy.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Thursday[/dropshadowbox]

London Bridge, you must be excited to see each other again tomorrow. Since it is your “Get-together-day“ at school, please miss out Math (if you are coming to school in the morning) or RE/PSHE (if you are coming to school in the afternoon). The missed lessons, you can catch-up with whenever you have a spare moment this week or as a piece of homework. Thank you.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fcf7e0″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#4fdba9″ ]Please remember …

London Bridge: Thursday 9:45-11:15 (Surnames A-M)                    1:15-2:45 (Surnames N-Z)

Remember that you will be entering and leaving through the gate coming in from Dering Place where the blue flag waves, next to the blue instrument container. Have a great time. [/dropshadowbox]


  • Starter:

  • L.O.: I can calculate time using timetables.


    • Task:


  • SpaG: Please complete the tasks on a sheet or Dojo and send us your answers. Thank you.

  • Main: Today‘s lesson links two incredibly interesting/fascinating themes, that of King Midas (who had to learn a very important lesson) with Alchemy (the medieval version of Chemistry and the art of purifying, making gold and finding a universal “potion“).


Class-Novel Reading:

  • And here we are – arriving at the next big part, narrated from the view point of Miranda. I am so excited to find out how it continues and how things look like from her perspective.

  • Please listen and then complete the questions to “Wonder“ Part 7Miranda – Part 1.


  • Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):
      1. Describe Miranda’s home-life.

      2. Explain how Via’s and Miranda’s families are very different.

      3. What was Miranda’s big lie in Summer camp? How did it change her?

      4. Describe the relationship between Miranda and Auggie.

      5. How is Miranda’s friendship with Via different to the one with Ella? Which friendship is better and why?

      6. Explain Miranda’s role in why the initial play got changed.

      7. Explain why Miranda did not perform on the opening night of the theatre show.

      8. What do you think/predict/guess Miranda’s real reason for not performing was?

      9. What do you predict will happen next? Why?


RE/PSHE: I can explore feelings related to change.

  • Please follow the attached .pdf-document: Changes


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Wednesday[/dropshadowbox]


  • Starter:


  • SpaG: Please complete the tasks on a sheet or Dojo and send us your answers. Thank you.


Class-Novel Reading:

We are continuing with August and I am excited to find out how it is going to continue. Are you? I hope so.

Please listen and then complete the questions to “Wonder“ Part 6 – August – Part 3.

Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):

      1. What had happened to Daisy?

      2. Why could August not wear a basketball cap any-more? How did this influence his confidence?

      3. What did mum forget?

      4. Explain the word “understudy”.

      5. Explain why you think August doesn’t want dad calling him “Auggie-Doggie” anymore.

      6. What completely surprised the family at the beginning of the play?

      7. Why did everyone cheer so much at the end of the play? Explain.

      8. Explain why everyone should at least once in their life get a standing ovation.

      9. Who did August meet when he got lost at the end of the chapter.

      10. Make 3 predictions of what Miranda might tell us in her chapter.


    • Mr Regan was in the process of adding more tasks for you on the CMA website and Seesaw. So, please make sure you have completed all of them.

    • (password: makingmusic123)

      • Please keep on checking for the session 10 to be published.

      • Should this proof tricky or if there is a delay, please ensure that you have completed all other tasks.

    • Optional: Complete this really fascinating lesson on “how and why singing makes us feel good“:



Today, during our concluding rivers lesson, we are going to do three things.

    1. Please follow the attached slides learning about river defences (like we studied coastal defences many weeks ago).

      1. Unscramble the words and write a short definition/explanation of the words down. RiversKeywordsUnscramble

              • If you normally work with an adult, aim to complete 5-7 of these words.

              • The others, should try all words.

    1. Please choose one of the following rivers and create a factfile/poster about that river.

            • Severn (UK), Thames (UK), Trent (UK), Seine (France), Amazon (South-America), Yangtse (China), Ganges (India), Brahmaputra (Tibet, India, Bangladesh), Nile (Egypt), Mekong (South-East-Asia), Rhine (Central Europe), Danube (Central Europe), Zambezi (South-East-Africa), Mississippi (USA), Colorado River (USA)

            • Include:

              • catchy title, picture, country, length, location of the source and mouth, a map, important cities along its course, important (geographical) areas it flows through, use of the river to humans, dangers (e.g. particular times of floodings), reason why this river is worthwhile studying, special scientific facts (e.g. habitats along its course, special flora/plants and fauna/animals, …), at least one fun-fact etc.

      • Enjoy.

      • I can‘t wait to see your River fact-files. Please make them really appealing so we can use them for display.



[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Tuesday[/dropshadowbox]

Cannon Street Bridge, since it is your “Get-together-day“ at school, please miss out Math (if you are coming to school in the morning) or Science (if you are coming to school in the afternoon). The missed lessons, you can catch-up with whenever you have a spare moment this week or as a piece of homework. Thank you.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fcf7e0″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#4fdba9″ ]Please remember …

We can’t wait to see you in school this week:

Cannon Street Bridge: Tuesday 9:45-11:15 (Surnames A-L)                  1:15-2:45pm (Surnames M-Z)

London Bridge: Thursday 9:45-11:15 (Surnames A-M)                    1:15-2:45 (Surnames N-Z)

Remember that you will be entering and leaving through the gate coming in from Dering Place where the blue flag waves, next to the blue instrument container.[/dropshadowbox]



  • Starter:


  • SpaG: Please complete the tasks on a sheet or Dojo and send us your answers. Thank you.

  • Main: Please follow this lesson on “creating and describing a revolting menu in the style of Roald Dahl“. We can‘t wait for your fabulous menues and descriptions!


Class-Novel Reading:

We are continuing with August‘s second big part of the book.

Please listen and then complete the questions to “Wonder“ Part 6 – August – Part 2.

Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):

      1. How did mum react to Via not inviting the parents to the school play?

      2. What do you think was said between mum and Via when August couldn’t hear anything anymore despite his Lobot-hearing-aids? Write at least one statement that each of them could have said.

      3. What is your opinion on August’s behaviour when he called mum and Via liars and himself a “freak”? Explain.

      4. How do we know that everyone is devastated about what happened with Daisy? (Give at least 1 piece of evidence for each character.)

      5. When have you lost a beloved pet? What do you do to remember it?

      6. What does August think about life in “heaven”? What is your opinion on his thoughts?

Science: I can identify different types of rocks.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Monday[/dropshadowbox]


  • Starter:


  • SpaG: Please complete the tasks on a sheet or Dojo and send us your answers. Thank you.

  • Main: Please follow this lesson on “escape based logic puzzles“. We can‘t wait for your fabulous ideas!


Class-Novel Reading:

We are continuing with “Wonder“ and are now coming back to August. EXCITING!!!

  • Please listen and then complete the questions to “Wonder“ Part 6August – Part 1.

  • Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):

      1. Which famous author is the opening quote taken from?

      2. Complete the sentence that August said: “All those eyes are compasses and I am ………………………“

      3. What funny observation did August make about the children‘s parents? When looking at your own class and experience, do you agree or disagree? Explain.

      4. Which month was the worst? Why? Explain.

      5. What is the Dean of a school?

      6. Describe how Jack and August made the best out of the terrible situation (think of notes that were put in lockers).

      7. How did the “war“ change throughout March? Why?

      8. What did August need to get? Explain how and why he changed his opinion on that “special thing“?

      9. Explain what a Lobot is.

      10. When in your own life have you worried about something a lot, but then it turned out to be nothing or not that bad?



[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Tuesday[/dropshadowbox]