
Welcome to London Bridge Class

Class Teacher: Miss S. Winser (Howard’s Curriculum Lead)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs R. Verma


Handed out on Fridays,

Returned by Wednesday,

Please remember that homework is an important building stone in the child’s learning and development. The children will receive Dojo-Points for completed homework as well as particularly outstanding contributions.

Daily Reading:

To help further develop the children’s reading and academic development, please support and encourage the children to read daily for at least 10 minutes. This daily reading should then be recorded (title + pages) in the Learning Diary. We would kindly ask parents to sign/initial the record.

The children will receive Dojo-Points for daily reading.

Recommended reading books for Year 5:

Best Books for Year 5 | Ages 9-10 | BooksForTopics

Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (

Reading Activities:

Once the children have completed reading a book, they then choose an activity related to the book (e.g. book-review, letter to the author, sequel, character profile, alternative cover etc.). This activity is completed in the child’s Reading Journal. Our wonderful teaching assistants will then check, feedback and record the completion of these activities.

The children will receive multiple Dojo-Points to reward exceptional work.


Our current P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday with Miss Handley.

Week beginning 16th October 2017

October 12, 2017

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A huge thank you to all those parents who have attended Parents’ Evening so far. For those appointments still to come, we kindly ask you to remember that they have been made on a 10 minute slot basis. Please arrive promptly.

Please also make sure that you are reading with your child each night. We ask you to record: which book they have read, how many pages and if they had any difficulties. Many thanks for your support!



[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#37c2f8″ ]What are we learning this week?[/dropshadowbox]



We shall be continuing our learning with addition and subtraction. On Friday, we shall have our assessment on this block of learning.



Unit: Non-chronological reports based on Howard Primary School


I can plan and write a non-chronological report using research that I have gathered.

I can edit and up level my writing.

I can use standard English in my writing.


We shall be focusing on words ending in -ible and -able.


I can work scientifically (plan, measure, record, report).


Tuesdays – Hockey

Thursdays – Circuits 


We shall be learning all about Gandhi in our Hinduism topic. We shall be creating a poster or a leaflet about the individual.


We shall be continuing our games design unit by creating our own game on Scratch.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#f8f637″ ]Important information[/dropshadowbox]

Key information –


Ask your child about our Privilege Cards-once your child has received 5, they will earn a prize

Don’t forget to log on to the Class Dojo and see how your child is doing.



Week beginning 9th October 2017

October 5, 2017

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#17f92b” ] Image result for 100%A HUGE congratulations to the children of London Bridge class who have again managed to achieve 100% of them handing in their homework.

Please also make sure that you are reading with your child each night. We ask you to record: which book they have read, how many pages and if they had any difficulties. Many thanks for your support!



[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#37c2f8″ ]What are we learning this week?[/dropshadowbox]


I can add numbers with more than four digits.

I can subtract numbers with more than four digits using written methods.

I can subtract numbers with more than four digits using a choice of methods.

I can use rounding to estimate my answers.​



Unit: Non-chronological reports based on Black History Month


I can identify the key features of a non-chronological report.

I can plan and write a non-chronological report.

I can edit and up level my writing.

I can distinguish the difference between fact and opinion.


We shall be continuing to focus on the spelling rule: ‘i before e, except after c’ this week. We shall be exploring any exceptions to the rule as well.


I can work scientifically (plan, measure, record, report).


Tuesdays – Hockey

Thursdays – Circuits 


We shall be learning all about Diwali as we start our new Hinduism topic.


We shall be continuing our games design unit by creating our own game on Scratch.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#f8f637″ ]Important information[/dropshadowbox]

Key information –

11th and 19th October 2017 – Parents’ evening

Ask your child about our Privilege Cards-once your child has received 5, they will earn a prize

Don’t forget to log on to the Class Dojo and see how your child is doing.