Welcome to Lambeth Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Miss Mulvaney

Teaching assistant: Mrs Vile

Week Beginning 19th November 2018

November 15, 2018

A big thank you to all the parents who supported us during Year 1 visit to the cinema.

Thursday 22nd November, 2018- Harvest Assembly for Parents at 9.10 am.
Parent’s Autumn Art session on Friday 23rd November, 2018 between 2.45pm to 3.15pm.

Our Mathletic Champions this week…

Gold Certificate

Lambeth Class: Jayden

Silver Certificate

Lambeth Class : Ben, Amira, Yaacoob, Nocole, Zayna, Charlotte, Ryan

Vauxhall Class :Yeabsira, Isabella

Bronze Class

Lambeth Class : Kay, Sackena, Isaiah, Deyan, Marwa, Annika, Cameron, Ayaan, Commella, Lena.

Vauxhall Class : Mae, Martyna, Leon, Oskar, Micah.

Super Mathlete.

Lambeth Class : Ryan (15354 points)

Vauxhall Class : Yeabsira (4200 Points)

Our learning this week…

English : Our new text is ‘Lonely Beast’. The children will be predicting what might happen in the story and they will be learning how to generate questions.


Your child will be learn about identifying, naming and describing 3D shapes.


Children will be learning about materials. They will be identifying, naming and describing simple properties of everyday materials.


Anti Bullying Week- Children will be talking about bullying. What is bullying? What are the types of bullying-Physical and emotional.


We will be talking about where Christians go to worship- Church. What can we see inside a church?


We will be learning some dance movements and show them how to move in different ways using the beat/rhythm of song.


We will be learning Christmas play songs.

Home work:

This week home work is
based on Friendship
Please return home work by Wednesday 21st November, 2018.

Week beginning 5th November 2018

November 2, 2018

We have a SPaG and Handwriting workshop on Wednesday 7th November, 2018 at 9.00am.

Congratulations to our Mathletic champions-

Lambeth Class:

Silver-Isaiah, Comella

Bronze-Adoma, Japdeep, Leila-Rae, Zayna, Jayden,  Marwa, Ryan, Nicole, Yaacoob, Ayaan, Ben, Amira, Brooke, Vanessa

Super Mathlete- Ryan 8387 points

Vauxhall Class:

Bronze-Krishan, Suvisha, Amelia-Rose

Super Mathlete- Suvisha 2720 points.

Our learning this week………..

English-We will be looking at Fireworks poems. What is a poem? How is it different from a story? We will be looking at the features of a poem -title, poet, stanza/verse, rhyming words, onomatoaepic words…

Week Beginning Monday 12th November,2018

November 11, 2018

A big thank you to all the parents who attended the SPaG & Handwriting workshop. The handouts have been sent home.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Cinema Trip is on Tuesday 13th November, 2018.[/dropshadowbox]

Our Mathletic Champions this week…

Silver Certificate

Lambeth Class : Adoma, Japdeep,Deyan, Annika

Vauxhall Class :Anthony, Oskar

Bronze Class

Lambeth Class : Charlotte, Zayna, Isaiah, Jayden, Amira, Ryan, Nicole, Yaacoob, Comella, Cameron, Ayaan, Nathan

Vauxhall Class : Krishan, Martyna, Shun Ming, Mila, Suvisha

Super Mathlete

Lambeth Class : Ryan (12428)

Vauxhall Class : Krishan (7630 Points)

Our learning this week…

English : We continue our learning about poetry… Children will continue to plan and write Autumn poems.

Please support your child to understand rhyming words.



Children will continue to learn to subtract… We will be solving simple word problems. Revise subtraction by crossing out and counting back on the number line.

Your child will also learn about identifying, naming and describing 2D shapes.




Children will be learning about seasonal changes – Autumn


We will be learning about significant people in our life time- ‘Barack Obama’.


Children will be thinking about friendship and how to be a good friend? We will also be revisiting Rights and Responsibilities, our class charter and the 5 Core Values in our school.- caring, courtesy, consideration, co-operation and commitment.


We will be learning about harvest and discuss how it is celebrated around the world.


We will continue to develop balancing skills as well as listening skills and travelling in different ways.


We will be learning more harvest songs.

Home work:

This week home work is
based on Maths  – 2D shapes
Please return home work by Wednesday 14th November, 2018.