Welcome to Lambeth Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Miss Mulvaney

Teaching assistant: Mrs Vile

Wednesday 22nd April, 2020

April 22, 2020

Hello Everyone! 

Our Summer term topic is called ‘Let It Grow’ and is linked to Science – children will name and identify plants and trees in the local environment and identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common plants including trees.

Parents, please contact Mrs Jeevahan and Mrs Ramakrishnan with any queries or questions at howardyear1@gmail.com

Let’s celebrate our Mathletics Champions this week

Gold Award: Vauxhall Class: Aayush

Silver Awards:
Lambeth Class: Annalise
Vauxhall Class: Aayush

Bronze Award:
Lambeth Class: Luke, Brady, Carlotta, Tome, Hasan, Yusuf, Olivier, Bonnie, Michael, Aliyah, Stanley, Mikael, Jennifer, Carter, Annalise 
Vauxhall Class: Aayush, Ishmael, Fabeha, Yigit, Harrison, Elena, Rayyan, Logan, Adem, Alesha, Afia, Tymon.

Our fun learning this week…


You can always do Real PE.
If you fancy taking part in some physical activities at home have a look at ‘Real PE’. The school uses these resources and now the company have offered parents an opportunity to try some of the activities at home during school closures.
It’s really simple:
Log into:
The website address is: home.jasmineactive.com
Parent email: parent@howardprim-1.com
Password: howardprim

Then choose which activity you would like the children to take part in. There are a variety of activities you can do throughout the day if you wish.
If you log onto facebook and join their closed group-you can then post photos of you and the family taking part in these activities. They have weekly competitions with winners announced on their facebook page. There are all sorts of different prizes so have a go!
Facebook: Join our real PE at home – tips & ideas

Health and Well-being-
Click on the link below and you will be sent through to some amazing resources that will help create routines for children at home and different things children (supported by parents/carers) can do to keep happy and healthy-including looking after their emotional health. All you have to do is click on the link and the activities will be there. Have a look at the well-being wheel-5 different daily tasks to keep your mind and body healthy during this difficult time (Day 6). This is updated daily so will be useful to keep looking back at the website whenever you can.

Supporting children’s mental health – Harold’s Daily Diary
Harold the giraffe is posting daily ideas. This is going down really well, particularly with younger children.

Alternatively, you can still have fun with Joe

Hope you are having fun with the phonic sessions.
From Monday 23rd March there will be daily Phonics lessons provided by Ruth Miskin Training via this link: Daily Phonics lessons by Ruth Miskin Training.
Children working with Ms Dale & Mrs Hunjan please follow Set 1 and Set 2

You can also use Phonics play to read words and play games
Why not try starfall phonics ?

We are learning to write instructions. Instructions are used while cooking (recipe), while constructing something ( furniture), while playing a game ( rules for Snake and ladders), giving directions to go somewhere ( map, SATNAV) or while doing something. While writing instructions you need
a title ( How to…)
List of what you need
Method ( How to do it) using a sequence of steps with bullet points/numbering.
You can use time conjunctions – first, next, then, after that, finally at the beginning of your sentence followed by a bossy verb ( imperative – eg. wash, turn, fold…)

Activity: Please write a simple instruction – How to brush your teeth or How to make a sandwich or how to make a birthday card or how to make cookies…
You can choose and post it on class dojo. Enjoy…

This week our focus is on place value. The first part is about partitionong numbers to tens and ones.
We are identifying 2 digit numbers and partitioning it for eg
12 = 1 ten and 2 ones
12 = 10 + 2

We begin our learning by identifying plants and trees in the local environment.

Activity: You can draw and name some plants and trees you see maybe in your garden or outside when you go for a walk.

Dear parents, please copy and paste link into the web browser and enjoy.


Look at some leaves around the environment.

Have Great fun this week!

Monday 20th April, 2020

April 20, 2020

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fbe5f5″ border_width=”3″ border_color=”#c96ff6″ ]Good Morning Children and Parents. A lovely Spring morning with sunshine. Have a lovely day and a super week ahead…[/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#c7f99e” border_width=”3″ border_color=”#f6956f” ]We begin our Summer term today and our topic is called ‘Let It Grow’ and is linked to Science – children will name and identify plants and trees in the local environment and identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common plants including trees.[/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#eff952″ border_width=”3″ border_color=”#46b209″ ]Our overview of the learning this term…[/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b4f9f6″ border_width=”3″ border_color=”#e9200b” ]Parents please contact Mrs Jeevahan and Mrs Ramakrishnan with any queries or questions at howardyear1@gmail.com[/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#c0f9b4″ border_width=”3″ border_color=”#193feb” ]Children can continue to post their work, photos and videos at Classdojo. Thank you everyone. It has been wonderful to see your posts. Keep in touch![/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b4f9f0″ border_width=”3″ border_color=”#c619eb” ]Our fun learning this week…[/dropshadowbox]


You can always do Real PE.


 If you fancy taking part in some physical activities at home have a look at ‘Real PE’.  The school uses these resources and now the company have offered parents an opportunity to try some of the activities at home during school closures.

It’s really simple:

Log into:

The website address is: home.jasmineactive.com 
Parent email: parent@howardprim-1.com
Password: howardprim

Then choose which activity you would like the children to take part in.  There are a variety of activities you can do throughout the day if you wish.

If you log onto facebook and join their closed group-you can then post photos of you and the family taking part in these activities.  They have weekly competitions with winners announced on their facebook page.  There are all sorts of different prizes so have a go!

 Health and Well-being-

Click on the link below and you will be sent through to some amazing resources that will help create routines for children at home and different things children (supported by parents/carers) can do to keep happy and healthy-including looking after their emotional health.  All you have to do is click on the link and the activities will be there.   Have a look at the well-being wheel-5 different daily tasks to keep your mind and body healthy during this difficult time (Day 6).  This is updated daily so will be useful to keep looking back at the website whenever you can.

Supporting children’s mental health – Harold’s Daily Diary  
Harold the giraffe is posting daily ideas.  This is going down really well, particularly with younger children.

Alternatively you can still have fun with Joe


Hope you are having fun with the phonic sessions.

From Monday 23rd March there will be daily Phonics lessons provided by Ruth Miskin Training via this link: Daily Phonics lessons by Ruth Miskin Training.
Children working with Ms Dale & Mrs Hunjan please follow Set 1 and Set 2


Mrs Ramakrishnan &Mrs Jeevahan’s group please follow set 3

Please remember to read and spell your tricky words.

You can also use Phonics play to read words and play games


Why not try starfall phonics ?


Reading Comprehension

Please continue reading at home.
Here are three different texts – Bats and All About Butterflies  to read and answer questions. The first one is easy and the second one is a little challenging. Please answer questions orally by referring to the text. Click on the link below to view the text.

Bats 1

All About Butterflies

You can also enjoy reading using…




30 day free trial

Book trust:


Oxford owls:


Sign up for free using an email address and get access to a range of free

e-books. Choose your child’s age range and away you go

You can also choose specific texts e.g. non-fiction.

The whole website gives you, as parents, an insight into the skills required by your children to read and understand.



We are learning to write instructions. Instructions are used while cooking (recipe), while constructing something ( furniture), while playing a game ( rules for Snake and ladders), giving directions to go somewhere ( map, SATNAV) or while doing something. While writing instructions you need

  • a title ( How to…)

  • List of what you need

  • Method ( How to do it) using a sequence of steps with bullet points / numbering. 

  • You can use time conjunctions – first , next, then, after that, finally at the beginning of your sentence followed by a bossy verb ( imperative – eg. wash, turn, fold…)

Check this fun example of  How to catch an alien

Activity : Please write a simple instruction – How to brush your teeth or How to make a sandwich or how to make a birthday card or how to make cookies… 

You can choose and post it on class dojo. Enjoy…


This week our focus is on place value. The first part is about partitionong numbers to tens and ones.

We are identifying 2 digit numbers and partitioning it for eg

12 = 1 ten and 2 ones

12 = 10 + 2

Use the link below to identify numbers

Please use the sheet below to practise. You can just draw the ten frame or base 10.

Activity – click on the link below.

 Place Value 1


We begin our learning by identifying plants and trees in the local environment.


Activity : You can draw and name some plants and trees you see maybe in your garden or outside when you go for a walk.


Please click on the link below and enjoy.



Let’s draw tulips to celebrate Spring. 

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#e2f833″ border_width=”3″ border_color=”#eb4719″ ]Have a fun week ![/dropshadowbox]