Welcome to Lambeth Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Miss Mulvaney

Teaching assistant: Mrs Vile

Week Beginning 17th April

April 17, 2017

I hope that you all had a lovely Easter holidays and are ready for our final term of year 1! I can’t believe how fast this academic year is going.

Our learning objectives this week are:

Maths – This week will be focussing on place value. We will be learning to order 2 digit numbers, say 1 more or 1 less than a given number, complete missing number sentences, find a number between neighbouring pairs of multiples of ten using our knowledge of place value, add and subtract 10 from any given number and begin to recognise what happens to the number when we do this.

English – This week we will write about our Easter holidays during our guided reading sessions. In our English sessions we will be learning about writing instructions. Children will follow a set of instructions to make something and identify a variety of imperative verbs (bossy words). Children will sequence a set of instructions based on the vocabulary used and finally they will write their own set of instructions to make a jam sandwich.

Science– Children will continue their animals and human science topic with Mrs Evans.

PE- We will continue our throwing and catching within the game of Lacrosse. Children will also have a PE session on Friday with Miss Handley.

RE- We will recap our learning before the Easter holidays and share our understanding of why Christians celebrate Easter.


All children were given a reading passport on World Book Day. Congratulations to Alana who has completed her challenges to gain a gold award and congratulations to Christos who has achieved his Silver award.

Just a reminder that your Easter homework is due this Friday (21st)


End of Spring term

March 30, 2017

I can’t believe that we are two thirds of the way through the academic year! The children are starting to show the huge progress that they have made during the school year and I know that some of you are noticing this progress at home with their reading.

I hope that you and the children have a lovely Easter holiday! Please make sure that you continue to read at home and remember that you can still access your Mathletics, Spellodrome and Easimaths too.

Congratulations to those children who received their bronze and silver attendance medals. If you haven’t got a medal yet this academic year then lets aim to get a bronze at the end of the summer term.

Congratulations also to Alana who has received her gold award for her reading passport and Christos who has received his silver award.

Have a lovely Easter and remember school opens on Tuesday 18th April at normal time. Children will also have PE on this day, so please remember your PE kits!