Welcome to Lambeth Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Miss Mulvaney

Teaching assistant: Mrs Vile

Week beginning 9th October, 2017

October 7, 2017

Our children have enjoyed the walk around the local area and a big thank you to all the parents for the continued support. We are continuing to learn about Croydon – transport, parks, libraries, restaurants, shops etc..



We have an exciting new text called ‘Lila and the Secret of the rain’. Your children will be able to understand about ‘Journey stories’ as well as develop an understanding of contrasting localities which is linked to our geography topic. They will be able to compare and contrast Croydon (UK) with Kenya focusing on climate, weather conditions, physical (hills, mountains, lakes) and human features ( houses, town, village ).


Our focus is addition and children need to know their number bonds ( pairs of numbers) of all numbers to 10 and 20. Please support your child to learn how to add using resources at home e.g. spoons, sweets, pasta


We will have a school Assembly to gain an awareness and understanding of the festival of Diwali by a special visitor and children will do fun activities related to it.

Hand writing

Please encourage your child to use joined up handwriting. We are doing the caterpillar letters focusing on the letters c, a o, d, g.





Week Beginning 2nd October 2017

September 29, 2017

English:This week we are going to make a vegetable salad and write some simple instructions. Last week we looked at bossy words (wash, cut, slice, make, mix, taste….) and time connectives (first, then after that, next and finally)
Maths: Place value. This week we will be how to make 5. For example 4 and 1 makes five, 2 and 3 makes five and learning make number sentences (3 + 2 + 5). We are also writing numbers in words.
Topic: ‘Amazing Me’. Geography: I can identify and talk about ‘where I live?’ We will be going for a walk around our area and identify some key features. Eg: shops, post-office, church, school…..
Religious Education: We are learning to talk about our talents.
ICT: We are learning to log on and use a programme.
PSHE: We are learning to think of what we need to get better at?
Physical Education: We are learning to travel in different ways and follow directions. Eg: right, left, north, south, east and west.
Lambeth Bridge Class-Wednesdays and Fridays.
Vauxhall Bridge Class- Mondays and Wednesdays.
Reading: We will be changing our reading books every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Home work: All the children have a Homework books and Phonics and spelling homework at back of the book please. Please help your children to complete the given tasks and return the book back by Wednesday. All the books will be marked on Wednesday.