Southwark Blog-Week beginning 10.9.18

Welcome to our Southwark class blog. Thank you for all your support during our first week back at term. We have had some fantastic bridge homework brought in and it is lovely to see all children in school with an excellent attitude to their learning. It’s also very encouraging to see so many of the class reading every day at home. Please can I ask you to sign your child’s homework diary which is sent home every night to show that they are reading with a short comment as follows:

Read pages 12-24 enjoying the book and showing good understanding when I ask questions plus signature.

This will earn your child team points-marbles and also helps them keep track where they are with a book. Please come and speak to me after school any day if you would like some help with helping your child read at home. Your child will need to bring their homework diary to school every day as we will find every opportunity to read with them. They can change their books during early morning work each day and whilst your child will be encouraged to choice their book independently, they will be guided to which books are suited to their current level.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Learning for the Week.[/dropshadowbox]

English-We will be continuing our returning to school unit which you can access at the link below, writing in role as Nemo or his father, Marlin to further our understanding of character and inferring meaning using evidence from a video text.

Our class read will be The Creakers by Tom Fletcher. If you would like to read along with us the book can be purchased at the link below:

Guided Reading groups will start this week. Your child will read twice with an adult in a guided focus group in additional to their daily English lessons and do targeted comprehension and writing tasks to complement their guided reading.


We will be continuing our place value to four digits work by recognising and representing both 3 and 4 digit numbers in different ways, counting forward and backwards in thousands and finding a thousand more and a thousand less than a given number. We will be continuing to develop your child’s numeracy with our fluency, reasoning and problem solving approach and the use of higher order thinking questioning.

A useful website we regularly use to practise key learning is:

Science-We will be beginning a topic on teeth and the digestive system.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Additional information/Dates for your diary[/dropshadowbox]

Homework will be sent home next Friday (14th September) due in by the following Friday.

Congratulations to Team Mega stars who earned more than 90 marbles in their first 3 days back at school. Well done to Leen, Marquez, Josiah, Evie, Amna and Lucas!