
Welcome to Waterloo Bridge Class

Class teacher – Miss Brown

Teaching assistants – Mrs Preston and Mrs Patel

We are pleased to welcome your child to Waterloo Bridge class and are grateful for your help and support.

Recommended reading books for Year 3:

Best Books for Year 3 | Ages 7-8 | BooksForTopics

Expertly selected books for 7 and 8 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)


Children are asked to read at home on a daily basis and their book should be brought to school each day. It is helpful if parents can comment regularly in their child’s Reading Record, particularly when their child has finished their book. Children are responsible for changing and selecting their own books in the morning.


Children will be given homework each Friday to be handed in by the following Tuesday. Children are also asked to learn spellings and times tables at home. They are responsible for recording their homework in their homework diary.


Children are asked to bring to school a water bottle. They should have a waterproof coat when it is raining or the forecast is for rain.

Week Beginning 30th September

September 27, 2019

This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will continue our work on addition and subtraction. We will learn to add and subtract 3-digit numbers and tens, and 3-digit numbers and hundreds. We will then learn to use formal written methods.
  • In English we will plan and write our own version of Stone Age Boy.
  • In science we will investigate magnets.
  • In topic time we will learn about Stone Age cave paintings.
  • In RE we will learn about Hindu holy books.


[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”” border_width=”” border_color=”#7de360″ ]We have planned visits to Get Fired in Purley to allow the children to paint a cave painting design on a tile. Waterloo Class will visit on 10th October and Blackfriars on 11th October.[/dropshadowbox]



Week beginning 23rd September

September 20, 2019

This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will begin a new unit on addition and subtraction. We will learn to add and subtract three digit numbers and ones, tens and hundreds.
  • In English we will plan and write our own versions of Stone Age Boy.
  • In science we will learn about friction.
  • In history we will continue learning about early humans.
  • In RE we will learn that Hindus believe in one God with many forms.

It is important that children read every day and that they bring their reading record and reading book to school on a daily basis.