

Welcome to Vauxhall Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Mr Shahzar

Teaching assistant: Mrs Hunjan



Week Beginning 8th May

May 8, 2017

Our learning objectives this week are:

Maths – This week will be continuing to work on multiplication and division. We will solve one step problems using multiplication tables, draw an array for a multiplication problem, understand multiplication as ‘sets of’, begin to record ‘sets of’ as a multiplication number sentence, find half of a number and find a quarter of a number.

English – This week we will continue our unit of non-fiction writing and will use a non-fiction text to find information and pick out the relevant information, plan our own non-fiction book on a mini-beast of our choice and box up information under the relevant sub headings.

Science– Children will continue their animals and human science topic with Mrs Crocks.

PE- We will continue our throwing and catching within the game of Lacrosse and we will be developing our fitness.

RE- We will continue to learn about our new religion Hinduism.

Other Information

Date for your diary! The class and individual photos will be on Thursday 18th May. On Friday 19th May is Bring in a bottle in exchange for children wearing their own clothes.

Our caterpillars are now a two weeks old and we are amazed at how they have grown. We have observed them growing, moving and hanging in a J shape to prepare them for the next stage. Our caterpillars are now forming their chrysalis and are now entering their resting stage.



Week Beginning 02/05/2017

May 2, 2017

Week beginning 2nd May

Our learning objectives this week are:

Maths – This week will be focussing on multiplication. We will be doubling numbers to 20 and develop our understanding that doubling is multiplying by 2. We will be counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and drawing arrays to show multiplication number sentences.

English – This week we will continue our unit of non-fiction writing and will use a non-fiction text to find information and pick out the relevant information, we will using our planning to write a non-fiction text on Butterflies and begin to research and make notes on a mini-beast of our own choice.

Science– Children will continue their animals and human science topic with Mrs Crooks. Last week they enjoyed learning about an exoskeleton which links very well with the caterpillars in our classroom at the moment.

PE- We will continue our throwing and catching within the game of Lacrosse and we will be developing our fitness.

RE- We will continue to learn about our new religion Hinduism.

Other Information

Please keep asking your child the time at home. It is expected that in Year 1 children are able to read the analogue clock to o’clock and half past. Most children can do this but just need consolidation with half past as they tend to get confused as the hour hand moves further towards the next hour. Why not challenge your child to tell the time to quarter to and quarter past as well as asking simple time problem – ‘it’s 10 o’clock, what time will it be in an hour?’

Our caterpillars are now a week old and have grown loads in the past week. We have observed them growing and moving and have noticed how they have been shredding their exoskeleton. We are hoping that next week they will turn into their cocoon. Look at the pictures below they show the growth of the caterpillars from day 1, day5 and 1 week old.