
Year Four Weekly Blog 10th June 2019

June 7, 2019

Thank you for all your support cheering your children on at Sports Day. What a fantastic day! 

This week year four will be learning:

Literacy-This week we will be learning about successful opening to narrative stories and using inverted commas in writing.

Maths-We will be learning about types of angles including obtuse, acute and right-angles. as  well as identifying angles in shapes

Topic-After learning about religion and deities, we will be learning why Ancient Egyptians built pyramids.

P.E-We will be continuing net and wall sports, focusing on volleyball

I.C.T-We will be using scratch to design toy prototypes

Science-We will be starting a unit on electricity finding out what we already know and building on this learning.

Dates for the diary


Non-uniform day-Thursday 13th June-bring a bottle for the school fair.

Year Four Blog Wk Beginning 4th June 2019

May 24, 2019

Welcome back after half term. We are looking forward to our last half term with you all in year four.

Our learning this week:

Maths-We will be revising quadrilaterals, angles and types of triangles

Literacy-We will continuing our text-Wolves of Willoughby Chase see link below. We will be focusing on story openers.

Topic-We will be focusing on Egyptian beliefs and the amazing gods and goddesses.

Art-We will be continuing our cubism project focusing on analytical still life pictures influenced by George Braque, Pablo Picasso and Juan Gris.

Dates for the diary

School inset day-Monday 3th June
Sports day-6th June-all day at Croydon arena