
Year Four Weekly Blog Wk beginning 16.3.2020

March 17, 2020

Welcome to our home learning blog. The Year Four teaching team will be updating this blog regularly with home learning tasks designed for your children.



Our Spelling learning this week is words which use the prefix ex- Here are some practising activities, games and tests to help your child learn these spelling words.

Our grammar focus is apostrophes. Here is a video to teach the rules and some games designed to help practise this.


We recommend a website for reading quality books online. We have set up a login for each class so you can access this resource for free.

Southwark Class Login details

Millennium Class Login Details



Writing task:

We have been exploring the story The Tin Forest by Helen Ward. Use this illustration from the story to write what might happen next.

Remember to include:

Fronted adverbial phrases


Expanded noun phrases

Punctuation including capital letters, full stops, commas in lists and after adverbial phrases, inverted commas for speech and apostrophes for plural possession. We recommend the follow website which explain these grammar terms


We have updated Mathletics. Our focus this week is decimals please look at free websites like Topmarks for good activities and games or the free resources on Mathsframe. BBCBitesize has good free video teaching resources for decimals


We are learning the basic function of the digestion system in humans. Watch the following videos and explain how the digestive system works.


Research the journey of chocolate from pod to product.


We recommend Kids hiit and Cosmic Yoga workouts available on YouTube to help keep us active.


Hopefully this will be plenty to keep your children busy and active. Newsround has excellent resources if your child is interested in World Events and News at a child’s level.




Year 4 Week Commencing 9th March

March 6, 2020

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#aa41f5″ ]What are we learning this week?[/dropshadowbox]

Maths – We will be subtracting fractions from whole amounts, finding fractions of a quantity and then using fractions to calculate quantities.

English – This half term, we shall be continuing our fantastic text (the title will be revealed to children only this week!) We will be editing our continuations of the story, reading the next 2 pages and responding to the next set of illustrations, thinking about our likes, dislikes and any puzzles and patterns. We will be focusing on editing our work this week, spotting errors in punctuation and spelling  and continuing to think about handwriting with neat diagonal and horizontal joins.

Science – We are beginning a unit on teeth and digestion. If any family has connections with a dentist, dental nurse please let us know as we would love to make links to support your child’s learning.

Geography-We will be exploring caring for the environment through the story ‘The Lorax’ by Dr Seuss. We will then be focusing on one particular rainforest plant and looking at the journey from seed to the shops.




[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#41f5cf” ]Key dates: [/dropshadowbox]

Parents evening – 12th and 17th March 2020