
Week beginning 5th June 2017.

June 5, 2017

Week beginning 5th June 2017.

Welcome to the second half of the summer term.

In Maths this week, we will complete our work on calculating the area and perimeter of shapes.

In English, the children will plan and write formal and informal letters and understand the rules and context of using standard English.

In Topic, we will aim to complete our learning on how the rainforest is under threat and how we can protect it.

In Science, the children will aim to build a working circuit and buzzer.

Sports Day is on Thursday, 8th June 2017. The children are aware of the teams they are in and we hope they will all participate fully to make the day a success. The children will need to come to school in the PE Kit as well as have a packed lunch and enough water to keep hydrated throughout the day.

Thank you.

Mrs Taggart Class Teacher

Mrs Glenn Teaching Assistant

Mrs Tooze. Teaching Assistant

Week beginning 22nd May 2017

May 20, 2017

Week beginning 22nd May 2017.

This is the last week of this half of the term.

In Maths this week, we will revise finding the area and perimeter of shapes. We will review our knowledge on finding coordinates in the first quadrant and drawing polygons.

In English, the children will plan and write formal and informal letters and understand the rules and context of using standard English

In Topic, we will investigate how the rainforest is under threat and how we can protect it.

In Science, the children will build a working circuit and buzzer this will tie in with Design and Technology whereby the children will ‘build’ their houses and fit in the working light and buzzer.

The class will be going on a trip to Kew Gardens this Thursday, please ensure your child is in school by 8.25 as we intend to leave early. Kindly ensure that you have signed your child’s permission slip.

We would like to congratulate Cory, Mindy, Michael, Sinyi, Euan and Antonio who have joined the 100 club in Maths. We are aiming to have more children succeed in this challenge and become members of the 144 club because the expectation is that all children know their multiplication and related division facts up to the 12 times table by the end of Year 4.

Thank you for your ongoing support throughout the term.

Thank you.

Mrs Taggart Class Teacher

Mrs Glenn Teaching Assistant

Mrs Tooze. Teaching Assistant