Year 4 News-Week beginning 7th May

Our Learning this week:

English-We will be finishing our unit of work based on the short film Origins, thinking about writing show not tell descriptions and inventing an alternative ending. See below if you would like to watch with your child

We will then be starting a new unit of work based around The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken

Maths– We will be ordering, comparing and rounding decimals

Topic– we will be starting our new History topic, learning about the Egyptians

PSHE– We will be thinking about keeping children safe with the NSPCC PANTS project. See below for a parents information guide

PE-We will be taking part in gymnastics and circuit training lessons

Science– We will be continuing to learn about classification and dangers to natural habitats.

Successes– Well done to Nikodem, Marques, Evie, Lucas, Nisa, James, Aarav, Holly and Sh’zane who all got merits this week.

An enormous thank you and well done to Leen, Emiliana, Lucy and Ryan who organised Wear It Wild this week. It was an amazing success. Although we do not have a final figure yet, it looks as though Howard School has raised around £500! Well done!

We also need to give a special thank you to all the parents who donated cakes or time or found the time to provide a costume for their child. Without you, none of it would happen.

Photos of the day to follow…

Upcoming events-

Tuesday 7th May– School individual and class photographs.