Year 4 Daily Home Learning Tuesday 31st March

Hi Year Four!

We are now into our second week, hopefully you are starting to find a routine and you are all keeping well. Thank you to those of you who have sent us videos and work to share on Class Dojo. We love seeing all the amazing things you are doing!

If you have not had a chance to check it out already, please have a look at Class Dojo and send us a message.  Please join us on this forum as you and your child can email us, send and receive photos, videos and see daily tasks in one place. We have sent all parents an email inviting you to join but this is a learning curve as we have not used the programme before so please let us know via teacher to parent if you have not received the invite and we will endeavour to contact you in a different way.

As always, continue to read, using Get Epic or your own books or books you have borrowed from school. We have added tasks to Mathletics and would love to hear about your experiences with Real PE and TT Rockstars.

New tasks for today’s home learning:

Maths-Have a go at lesson 2 of week 2-Hundredths on Whiterose homelearning.

And if you would like a challenge-Spiraling decimals game


Look at this clip and answer the ERIC questions.