Week commencing 27th March

Here is a break down of what we will be covering in Blackfriars this week:

Maths– We will be finishing our work involving tenths and then doing some revision work on telling the time to the nearest minute.

English– We will be continuing our unit about performance poetry and having a go at writing our own poem in the style of Spaghetti spaghetti by Jack Prelutsky.

Reading– We will continue to enjoy our class story The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher and we will continue Guided Reading sessions in small groups.

PE– We will be continuing Groovy Gymnastics, focusing on jumping, rolling and balancing and also beginning to play invasion games.

Topic– We will be finishing our topic Active Planet and thinking about the eruption of Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii and putting together a musical composition.

Art-We will be thinking about colour mixing and using this to design Jackson Pollock style volcano paintings.

RE– We will be thinking about Lent and moving on to a series of lessons about Easter.


Well done to Harley, Oliver and the whole of Blackfriars who received merits this week!

Well done to the blue table who is in the  lead in our table points competition for this half term!

A  big thank you to everyone who generously contribute to Red Nose day. I will update this blog once I know how much Blackfriars has raised.

Additional information

Homework this week is reading, Mathletics, Spellodrome, continuing to learn times tables and a worksheet practising the use of adverbs.