Week beginning July 2nd, 2018

Thank you so much for helping us have the wonderful visitor Mrs Jenkins from the Croydon Museum who brought with her treasure boxes filled with old toys and artefacts. Your children had an amazing time handling the wonderful selection of old toys and household objects. Please ask them to share their experiences with you.

Visit to the Croydon Library – Tuesday July 3rd, 2018

Vauxhall Class will leave promptly after morning register.

Lambeth Class will leave at 10:10 am

Thank you for the parents who are helping us. Your support is much appreciated.

Congratulations to our Mathletic Champions…
Gold Award :
Lambeth : Alexandru, Patrick , Kamil

Silver Award :
Lambeth : Francis

Lambeth Class : Rebeka, Zofia, Alvin., Zuzanna, Suden
Vauxhall Class : Dhiyanes, Abigail, Irina, Sarah

Super Mathlete
Lambeth Class : Suden – 4106 Points
Vauxhall Class : Sarah – 2350 Points.

Our learning this week…
On Monday, we will write, edit and publish our poems based on ‘The Magic Box’ by Kit Wright. From Tuesday we will be looking at our new text ‘ Lima’s Red Hot Chilli’ by David Mills. Children will be sequencing the story as well as be involved in role-play.

This week we will be partitioning numbers into tens and ones using Base 10 – Place Value- counting forwards and backwards from any given number, ordering numbers, one more, one less, writing numerals in words .

We will also be revisiting 2D & 3D shapes. Children will name, identify and describe the shapes.

Children will continue to develop their understanding of the past. Let them talk to you or grandparents or older family members of how life was when they were young and begin to think about what life is for them especially relating to toys and games they play. ( For e.g doll house / marbles in the olden days and computer games in the modern times).

We are learning to create and debug programs. Please support your child to develop their skills by using ‘Lightbot’.

Children will continue to learn about the British nature artist Andy Goldsworthy and create their own nature sculptures. Please bring twigs , leaves, flowers, pebbles by Wednesday. Thanks.

Children will continue developing their skills to skip and using a skipping rope with increasing control. This week, the children will learn to develop their team spirit and positive attitude towards winning gracefully as well as accepting defeat as a way to improve their skills.

Our topic is called ‘Relationships’. Children will be talking about feelings – how to deal with it.

We will continue to sing using our voices creatively and learn about rhythm and tempo.

We will be continuing our learning about different religions focusing on basic principles of Hinduism.

Homework is sent home every Friday and should be promptly returned on Wednesday please. Homework is also set weekly related to the concepts children are learning. Please continue to do your Mathletics. Looking forward to more Gold Award winners this term.

Lambeth Class : Monday & Wednesday
Vauxhall Class : Wednesday & Friday
*If your child attends an Afterschool sports club and takes their P.E kit home, kindly return the P.E kit the next day. A lot of the children have been upset and disappointed as they have missed their P.E sessions as a result of not having kits.