Week beginning 6th November 2017

we will be covering the following objectives:


We have done a shared write and made individual plans for our persuasive letters. Our next focus is to write the letters before editing and improving them further. We will also be re-writing our letters in our best hand writing before sending them off to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). We are hoping that we might receive a response from them and that they might pass on our letters to a real circus.

Phonics/ SPaG

We are continuing to recap phase 5 alternative graphemes and spelling patterns during daily phonics sessions. We will also be looking at the past tense with a particular focus on verbs that do not end with the suffix ‘ed’ e.g blowà blew, drawà drew, runà ran.


We are trying to find a suitable class read that the majority of the children will enjoy. We will keep you updated on this!


We have now moved onto addition and subtraction. Our focus has been on using inverse operations to solve missing number problems.

Helpful information

Addition and subtraction are inverse operations. Have a look at the visual representations below. The first uses concrete resources (numicon).

We can make four number sentences using this information. Two are addition calculations and two are subtraction.

? + 4 = 22

4 + ? = 22

22 – ? = 4

22 – 4 = ?

The children have to use their understanding of inverse to recognise that by using 22 – 4 = ? we can find the missing number.

We then use a numberline to solve and check our calculation.

We are going to trial using the bottom of the numberline for subtraction calculations. We hope that it will be a visual reminder for the children that subtracting means the number is getting smaller. Please note that when subtracting, we always put the greatest number on the right (see below).

On this example, we have used the knowledge that 4 can be partitioned (broken down) into 2+2. This has made it easier for us to do two jumps of 2 (using our knowledge of counting in twos).

I really hope that this is beneficial to you. If you would like to work on this at home then that would be brilliant! We also emphasise the importance of making numbers up to 10 in different ways. See the example below where a child has systematically found all of the different ways to make eight.


Our new topic this half term is People Of The Past. There are many cross-curricular links in this topic.


PE is on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon.

Monday: we are continuing with pilates for now.

Wednesday: multi-skills.


We will be looking at why things are special to people. This will be taught by our PPA teachers on a Thursday morning.


We will be starting our new PSHE scheme: Zippy’s Friends. Our first module is ‘communication’.


We will be looking at how to use algorithms to program digital devices. We will also learn how to debug simple programs. We are hoping to use bee-bots in our lesson this week.

Key information

Reading books are changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We expect your child to read to you every evening and for this to be recorded in their reading record.