Week Beginning 6th January 2020

Dear Parents!

Happy New Year 2020. Welcome to Spring Term.

Our Mathletics Champions for this week are…

Super Mathlete

Lambeth Class: Aliyah – 5000 Points

Vauxhall Class: Yigit -2590 Points

Gold Award

Lambeth Class: Bonnie

Silver Award

Lambeth Class: Luke, Tome

Vauxhall Class: Logan

Bronze Award

Lambeth Class: Brady, Shauna, Carlotta, Hasan, Priscilla, Yusuf, Mia, Aliyah

Vauxhall Class: Olivier, Rayyan, Yigit, Aayush, Adem, Mohammed, Hamza

Our Spring Term Topic is ‘Now You See Me, Now You Don’t’.

Our Learning this week…


Recount Writing: First, we will discuss about our Christmas holiday. Next, we plan and write about it.  Then learn to edit our recount writing.

Watch a short film- Baboon on the Moon.


Measure Time: Children will continue to develop our understanding of time:- days of the week, months of a year, seasons, Learn to tell the time: o’clock and half past.


In Science we will be discussing about winter season and explore Earth/Moon.


Children will be learning about – ‘Dynamic Balance to Agility’- jumping and landing.


Christianity: We will be discussing about lifestyles and celebration: Where do Christians go to worship?

ICT: Our new topic ‘We are collectors’.  Find images using the web.


Introduce  ‘Zippy’s Friends’-  we will start this social, emotional learning programme this term.


Children learn to use voices expressively and creatively. They will also develop an understanding of rhythm and tempo.

Phonics :

Please continue to practice sound recognition with your child. Encourage them to apply their phonic knowledge every time you read or write with them.


 We will be learning to form the numbers correctly and begin to learn the cursive script starting with the letters c, a, o, d, g. as well as numbers.


Please support your child to make a poster. Please hand it in by Wednesday 8th January 2020.

Please continue … *Mathletics-your child’s user name and the password are attached in your child’s yellow Reading Record book.

*Reading daily to develop fluency and comprehension skills.

*Play phonics games on Phonics Play / Star fall Phonics.