Week Beginning 4th June 2018


We will be starting a new text this week called Tuesday by David Weisner.

We will be getting to know the story really well and thinking about the kind of text it could be as it has no words!!

As a hook into the story we will be making frogs… I wonder how this could be linked?


We are still really enjoying Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. We are able to talk about the story & characters and are able to make predictions about what may happen in the text.

We will also be looking at key reading comprehension skills as a whole class using pictures and short passages of text as a stimuli.


We are finishing off the last of our measurement unit looking at capacity and temperature before moving on to complete our work on Statistics. This will include learning about tally charts, pictograms and block charts. The children’s knowledge of counting in 2s,5s and 10s will support this learning as the information on the pictograms and block charts gets more challenging.


We will be continuing with our new module of Zippy’s Friends.


We are going to be doing tennis skills on a Monday and doing Real PE on Wednesday.


We will be moving on to look at ways we can keep ourselves healthy. This week we will be thinking about a balanced diet.


We will be recapping work on the continents and oceans of the world before focusing on the UK and it’s capital cities. We will be using atlases appropriately to find information.