Week beginning 4th June 2018

Week beginning 4th June 2018

Welcome to the first half of the summer term.

In Maths, we will learn about shapes. We will investigate types of angles and lines.

In English, we will read the book Dream Big by Deloris Jordan which is based on the true story of Michael Jordan, the famous sports personality.

In RE we will learn the importance of being part of a community, which is a continuation of our topic Sikhism.

In Science, we will learn about the human body.

Important information.

4th June is an Inset day.

7th June is Sports Day which will be held at Croydon Arena. We hope many parents will be able to join us. Please remember to sign the letter to let us know if you will collect your child from school or the arena.

16th June 11am -3pm is the School Summer Fair.

We thank you for your continued support.