Week beginning: 4th December 2017

This week we will be covering the following learning objectives in:


We have almost come to the end of our film reviews and are ready to use our plans to write one up. They will include the following features: a synopsis, a star rating, opinions and reasons that we would/ would recommend the film.

Phonics/ SPaG

We have been working on phase 6 concepts. These include regular past tense verbs and using the past progressive tense e.g we were/ he was running/ jumping rather than ‘he jumped’ or ‘she ran’.

We will also be looking at homophones including their, they’re and there as well as to, too and two.


We are continuing to focus on addition and subtraction. We will be using our knowledge of adding multiples of 10 and adding one digit numbers to two digit numbers by bridging through ten to help us to subtract one digit numbers from two digit numbers e.g 65-7.

It is important that your child is secure with knowing the nearest multiple of ten for any given number. For example, if we are on the number 46, we know that we need to add four more to reach 50 or subtract 6 to reach 40. A strong understanding of number bonds to 10 will also support this.

Here is an example of how we can add one digit and two digit numbers. This understanding will help us with the concept of subtracting too. The children need to be secure in knowing the nearest multiple of 10 to any given number. For example:

We can then use this to help us to bridge through 10. Have a look at my example below.



We have started the Zippy’s Friends project which will run for most of the year. After each of the six modules we will send home an activity for your child to complete. This will give you an insight to what it is all about. Please speak to your child about these sessions as they are all very excited about the project! So far we have discussed things that make us feel happy/ sad and what we can do to help us feel better. In this module we will also be looking at anger, jealousy and embarrassment. I was extremely impressed with the maturity shown by the whole class.


As you will know, we have given out scripts for those with speaking parts in our Christmas Performance. It is really coming on well but please encourage your children to practice their lines/ song words/ actions at home. We do not have many rehearsals left and want it to be the best show yet!

The show will be taking place on Thursday 14th December at 2:15pm. You will be able to collect your child straight after the performance if you wish to, though please let us know if this is the case.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Stroud