Week beginning 30th October 2017

Week beginning 30th October 2017

Thank you for a successful first half of the Autumn term. It was a pleasure meeting and discussing the progress your children. The children had a busy week before half term we had a visit from Kate who worked with the children teaching them about keeping safe online.

In Maths, we will learn about angles and use terms like greater than and less than to compare them.

In English, we will watch a film About the Birds and write a storyboard and film review.

In Science, the children will learn how magnets attract or repel objects.

In Topic, we will investigate what happened in Skara Brae.

The children will participate in Gymnastics and Keeping Fit for P.E.

The children now all have passwords for Mathletics and Spellodrome.  Please encourage them to use this online resource at home.

Finally, please remind your child to complete a book review when they finish their reading book.

We look forward to your continued support.

Mrs Taggart

Mrs Glenn

Mrs Tooze.