Week beginning 23rd April 2018

Maths-We will be starting our first week of revision ready for SATS-This week we will be focusing on algebra, area, perimeter, angles, measures, circles, BODMAS, common factors and multiples, square numbers and prime numbers.

Writing-We will be writing letters of complaint

Reading-We will be continuing to read ‘A boy in striped Pyjamas’

Science-We will be continuing our work on pollination and fertilisation

Geography-We will be starting our Geography topic on Scandinavia

R.E-We will be continuing our work on Christianity.

Art-We will be studying silk paintings and making our own

P.E-There is no longer any swimming.  Instead we will be having 2 PE lessons in school-Kwick cricket and Tennis

Computing-We will continue to develop our understanding of On-line safety and APP design

PSHE-We will be looking at setting ourselves goals and looking for ways to achieve them.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#f463fa” ]Important Information[/dropshadowbox]

Congratulations to all of Year 6 who have started this term in a very focused and committed way.  A special mention to Omarion and Andrea who have shown great commitment to their learning this week.