Week beginning 23rd April 2018.

Week beginning 23rd April 2018.

In Maths this week, we will learn to tell time to the nearest minute, use am and pm, tell the time using the 24 hour clock as well as calculate the duration of events.

In English, we will use a poem as a model to help us plan and write our own poems.

In Science, we will investigate what plants need to grow.

In Topic, we will find out where the Roman Empire began.

In RE, we will investigate why Guru Gobind Singh is important in Sikhism.

Other information.

All the children have Mathletics passwords please encourage to use this resource for revision.

Important dates

23rd April 2018 St George’s Day.

24th April 2018 The 120th Anniversary of Howard Primary School

17th May 2018. Blackfriars class trip to Museum of London.

18th May 2018. Celebration of the Royal Wedding.

25th May 2018. School photographs.

8th June 2018 Mufti Day.

16th June 2018 Summer Fayre.

Thank you for your continued support.