Week beginning 21st May 2018

Week beginning  21st  May 2018

In Maths, we will start work on shape and recap on the key concepts covered for assessment. We will conduct our number stars this week.

In English, we will write a recount of our class trip to the museum.

In RE we will learn the importance of being part of a community.

In Science, we will learn about photosynthesis.

Important information.

25th of May School photographs.

Please support your child to learn and secure their multiplication and division facts of 3, 4 and 8 times table.

In Year 4, the children will be expected to know their multiplication and related division facts up to the 12 x12 times table. A few children have already joined the 100 and 144 club. This means that they are secure in their multiplication and division facts up to the 10 and 12 times table respectively.

Please encourage your child to use Mathletics and to read every day.

We thank you for your continued support.