Week beginning 20th May


Due to the SATs, we will not be continuing with our police report work until after the half term. We will be doing short bursts of focused writing instead.


HURRAY! We have completed the Year 2 curriculum and will now be using our maths lessons to recap and revise our previous learning. Before the SATs we are hoping to recap time.


We have been looking at hot and cold colours and will be exploring the artist Khandinsky this half term.


We will be using atlases to look at the countries, capital cities and seas in the United Kingdom.


Our new topic is all about animals and habitats. We will be looking at things that are living, non-living and have never lived. Over the half term we will also be exploring a range of habitats including: the rainforest, desert and ocean We will be looking at how humans keep healthy as part of this unit.


We are going to be making the most of the good weather this term. We will be doing ball skills with tennis/ basketball and skipping.

Important information


There is no reason that your children should be too stressed about these tests. They are there to inform our teacher judgements only. We have seen your children grow since September and are very aware of their capabilities. We are so incredibly proud of how hard they have all worked so far this year.

Monday 20th May (AM) – Long reading paper

Tuesday 21st May (AM) – Maths calculating paper

Wednesday 22nd May (PM)- SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) paper

Thursday 23rd May (AM) – Maths reasoning paper


Don’t forget that Monday 3rd June is an INSET day and the school will be closed!

Homework- The Fisherman and his Wife

We have sent home a copy of the story we will be looking at from the second week back. Although long, it is very repetitive. We would like you to read the story with/ to your child and encourage them to highlight the words they are unfamiliar with. There will definitely be a few! Don’t be alarmed though as we will cover it in our class teaching.

Here is a video link to another, slightly different version of the story.


Have a great half term! 🙂