Week Beginning 20th March

Our learning objectives this week are:

Maths – This week we will be making number bonds for 8, recognise that adding can be done in any order. We will be learning to solve problems in a systematic order and also relate addition and subtraction facts. We will solve an addition problem and find different ways to display our number bonds for 10.

English – All the children have planned changes to the Three Little Pigs and have all created a story map. Children will now begin to use their plan to write their innovation using our class success criteria. Children will then re-read their writing to identify what they have done well and what they could do better next time.

Science– Children will continue our new science unit – Animals including Humans.

PE- We will be learning to throw different balls, bean bags and javelins and identifying which technique we need for each object. We will also continue with the new scheme of work Real PE.

RE- We will continue to understand why Easter is an important time of year for Christians and learn about Good Friday.


On Friday children are raising money for Red Nose Day and as a class we are doing crazy socks and hair. Children also need to wear something red. Children will need to bring £1 to take part in this.

V & A Museum of Childhood

Congratulations to all of the children for their excellent behaviour on the trip to the V & A Museum of Childhood. We had a really good day out. We had an exciting coach journey seeing some London landmarks and when we arrived to the museum the children enjoyed playing with toys that their grandparents and parents would have played with. Children then explored the museum and were fascinated with all the toys and how they have developed over period of time. We got to ride rocking horses, take part in Punch and Judy shows and play both old and modern board games. It was a pleasure to take Lambeth to the museum.

One of the most exciting parts of the day for the children was seeing a character Bunting, from the book that we were previously working on. Now we are wondering, what exciting things happen inside the V & A museum at night? Because Bunting makes all of the toys come alive!