Week beginning 1st October


This week we will be using our portal story toolkit to plan a new version of Leon and the Place Between. We will then be using our plans to write a new ending for the story.

Please see the attached word document for the planning template we will be using. It outlines the key aspects of a portal story.

Innovation plan

SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)

We will be focusing on homphones this weel. These are words that sound the same/ similar but have a different spelling or meaning. We will be focusing on two/ to/ too, they’re/ there/ their and our/ are/ hour in particular.


We are still enjoying reading Fantastic Mr Fox as a class.


We will be moving on to addition and subtraction this week. We will be recapping basic number skills. This includes making numbers up to 10 in different ways. For example: how many ways can you find to make 2? 3? 4? 5? 6? 7? 8? 9? It is important to recognise that number bonds do not only refer to the different ways to make 10. This fundamental skill will help with other aspects of addition and subtraction(e.g bridging).


We will be doing some work on ‘The Circus’ to fit in with our key text.


We are going to learn about Amy Johnson, a local historical figure.


We will be looking at materials and their properties this half term.


Monday afternoon- ball skills.

(Slot to be confirmed) – Real PE.