Week beginning 1st January 2018

This week we will be covering the following learning objectives in:


This week we are starting a new text ‘The Magic Paintbrush’. We are going to be thinking about our wishes and dreams.


We are starting a new class read: The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith

Phonics/ SPaG

We are continuing to recap phase 5 alternative graphemes and spelling patterns including alternative spellings e.g. the /m/ sound spelt in words such as lamb or the /ch/ sound as in words like picture or witch.

We will also be looking at how to spell high frequency words and improving simple sentences by adding adjectives and connectives.


We are finishing addition and subtraction by recapping number bonds to 100 and adding 3 1-digit numbers.

Useful strategies for this are:

Number bonds to 100

I must know that the ones have to add up to 10 and the tens have to add up to 90 e.g.

73+27=10o or 36+64=100

Adding 3 1-digit numbers

Look for number bonds to 10 or doubles within the calculation and work these out first before adding the third number.



Work out 6+6=12

then… 12+3= 15

OR for 7+2+3=


then… 10+3= 13


We have started the Zippy’s Friends project which will run for most of the year. After each of the six modules we will send home an activity for your child to complete. This will give you an insight to what it is all about. Please speak to your child about these sessions as they are all very excited about the project! So far we have discussed things that make us feel happy/ sad and what we can do to help us feel better. In this module we will also be looking at anger, jealousy and embarrassment. I was extremely impressed with the maturity shown by the whole class.


We are going to be continuing Pilates on a Monday and doing circuit training on Thursdays.


We are starting to look at differences between plants and animals and variation between animals.


A focus on Florence Nightingale and the changes she implemented in healthcare.