Week Beginning 19th June 2017
In Waterloo Class we have enjoyed our healthy living week. Next week we will return to topic work on the Romans.
- In mathematics we will be revising our work on fractions.
- In English we will complete our work on news articles and learn to use the present perfect tense.
- In reading we will continue reading Charlotte’s Web by E.B White. We will read regularly in small groups.
- In our topic work we will learn about the Roman invasion of Britain.
- In RE we will continue our work on Hinduism.
- During the week we will participate in assessment activities in reading, spelling and grammar and mathematics.
Well done all the children who took part in the skipathon on Friday and to Kiana and Adrian who represented the school in a Dodge-ball tournament on Thursday.
Please could all parents make sure that their child has a water bottle in school each day,