Week Beginning 17th December, 2018

Thank you very much for coming and enjoying your children’s performance ‘Count down to Christmas’on Wednesday afternoon. It was fantastic. A very special thank you to all the parents who supported us with make props and outfits necessary for the play. Parents, without your support it was not possible. So once again a big thank you from Year 1 staff.

Congratulations to our Mathletics Champions.

Super Mathlete

Lambeth Class : Ryan – 10290 Points / Ben 1o039 Points

Vauxhall Class : Krishan (8610 Points/Micah 7282 Points

Silver Award :

Lambeth Class : Vanessa, Lelia-Rae

Vauxhall Class : Suvisha, Ali, Shun Ming, Oskar

Bronze Award :

Lambeth Class : Amira, Ayaan, Yaacoob, Nicole, Charlotte, Jayden, Adoma, Japdeep, Deyan, Ben, Ryan, Sackena, Annika, Lena, Comella, Isaiah, Marwa

Vauxhall Class : Leon, Krishan, Sayyid, Yeabsira, Anthony, Micah

Our learning this week…

Assessment week-Children will writing a letter to Santa, retelling the Christmas story by sequence pictures and write the Christmas story independently.


Your child will  be developing their understanding of  comparing numbers which are lesser than / greater than and equal to a given number, greatest / smallest as well as be introduced to the symbols > (greater than) and < (lesser than).  We will be looking at measurements- Long/short, tall/short, big/small.



Assessment week-we will recall all the facts we have learnt about materials and their properties – glass ( hard, transparent), fabric ( smooth, ribbed, absorbent), plastic (flexible,hard or smooth), metal (shiny, hard), rubber (strong,stretchy, waterproof), stone (strong, hard, smooth or rough) as well as classify objects into man made or natural.


Children will be editing their information report writing about Barack Obama.


We will be discussing about where Christians go to worship- Church. We will also learn about the significance of Christmas to Christians and how it is celebrated.


We will be learning some dance movements and show them how to move in different ways using the beat/rhythm of song.


We will be learning Christmas songs.

Home work:

This week home work is
* based on PSHE curriculum-‘People who help us’

*Phonics and Spelling

*Reading daily to develop fluency and comprehension skills.

Please return home work by Wednesday 19th December, 2018.