Week beginning 16th October 2017.

Week beginning 16th October 2017.

The two year 3 classes had a very successful Cave costume day on Friday. The children took a lot of pride in their costumes and props and we are grateful for your support. It was a pleasure meeting some of you on Parents Evening and we look forward to meeting the rest of you this week.

In Maths, the children will learn to use estimate the answer and to use the inverse to check if their answers are correct when solving addition and subtraction problems.

In English, we will plan instructions on how to paint a pottery tile.

In Science, we will compare how objects move on different surfaces.

We would like to congratulate Keona and James for representing us well during Croydon Cross Country race trials last Thursday.

Other news.

The children will be going on a trip to Purley on the 16th of October 2017.