Week beginning 16th October 2017

Celebrations and successes

Well done to Amira-Lee, Georgi, Lucas, Ziyan and Amari who received merit cards this week.

Lucas and Ziyan were excellent ambassadors for our school at the cross country competition this week. We are all very proud of you both.


We will be covering the following objectives during the week commencing 16th October 2017.


We have already investigated how animals are treated in some circuses. Although most of the children were shocked and saddened by what we discovered, it has created lots of discussion. We have decided that we will use our passion for treating animals kindly to write our own set of letters. We hope to send them to a circus to persuade them to use human circus acts instead of mis-treating animals.

Phonics/ SPaG

We are continuing to recap phase 5 alternative graphemes and spelling patterns during daily phonics sessions. We will also be consolidating using the past tense and looking at how to use the conjunctions and, or and but to extend our sentences.


We will be doing guided reading every week. This helps us to form part of our reading assessment data.

We have now come to the end of The Twits. Since we only have a week left of this half term we are just going to read short stories related to our topic and move onto a new chapter book next half term.


We have almost come to the end of our work on number and place value. Please see some photos below of some of Hungerford Class comparing numbers using these symbols:

< less than

< greater than

= equal to


We will be doing a little more work on placing numbers on a numberline before moving onto addition and subtraction strategies.

Our topic this half term is The Circus is Coming to Town. There are many links to science, history and geography within this.


PE is on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon.

Monday: pilates.

Wednesday: ball skills.


We will be looking at why things are special to people. This will be taught by our PPA teachers on a Thursday morning.


We will be thinking about how to be a good friend this week.


We will be looking at how to use algorithms to program digital devices. We will also learn how to debug simple programs. We are hoping to use bee-bots in our lesson this week.

Key information

Reading books are changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We expect your child to read to you every evening and for this to be recorded in their reading record. You can:

  • Just sign or initial.
  • Write a comment e.g if the book was challenging, too easy, any particular words your child found difficult to read, any questions that you asked and your child’s response