Week beginning 16th October 2017

Week beginning 16th October, 2017

English: New text ‘Lila and the secret of the rain’. We have enjoyed reading the text. We have learnt to describe the setting- Kenyan village, illustrated the main character-Lila with three thought bubbles. This week we will be talking about her journey.

Maths: Our focus is subtraction and children will be counting backward from a given number, take away objects and jumping backwards on the number lines. Please support your child to subtract by taking away using resources at home e.g. pasta, spoons, straws…..

/www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW14jOElUrI   -subtraction songs                   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZi-6_-  -number pairs song

Hand writing: Please encourage your child to use joined up handwriting. We are doing the caterpillar letters focusing on the letters c, a o, d, g.


Topic-Geography: Comparing and contrasting localities. Children will be learning to compare and contrast Croydon (UK) with Kenya focusing on climate, weather conditions, physical (hills, mountains, lakes) and human features (houses, huts, town, village).

Religious Education: We are learning to talk about ‘How do people thank God’.-praying, singing songs, going to a service and offering food/flowers/money.
ICT: We are learning to use word programme to type in their name and surname using necessary keys. Please support your child to use word document to type his/her name using shift key, space key, delete and enter keys.

Physical Education: We are learning to travel in different ways and follow directions. e.g: right, left, north, south, east and west.
Lambeth Bridge Class-Wednesdays and Fridays.
Vauxhall Bridge Class- Mondays and Wednesdays.
Reading: We will be changing our reading books every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Home work: From this week maths homework will be set on Mathletics.com programme. Your child’s user name and password is attached at the back of your child’s Reading Record book. Please don’t forget the Phonics and spelling homework is at back of the book.

Please help your children to complete the given tasks and return the book back by Wednesday. All the books will be marked on Wednesday.