Week Beginning 16th April.

In Waterloo Bridge Class we are looking forward to starting our new topic of the Romans. This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will be working on time. We will be investigating the number of days in each month and in a year and leap year using calendars. We will revise our skills in telling the time to the nearest minute and start to use Roman numerals and 24 hour clock.
  • In English we will start a new unit on poetry. This week we will focus on performance poetry.
  • In topic time we will discuss what we know about the Romans and write questions on what we would like to find out.
  • In science we will introduce our new topic on plants.
  • In RE we will be learning about the Sikh festival of Baisakhi(also called Vaisakhi).

On Tuesday we will be visiting St Andrew’s School to see a performance. We are looking forward to our Roman Banquet and dress up day on 27th April.