Week Beginning 15th May

WB: 15th May

Our key learning objectives this week will be:

Maths-We will be starting to recap units of measure. We will be problem solving with 2D shapes.

Reading- We will be reading Harper and the Scarlet Umbrella.

Writing- We will be continuing to look at the features of diary writing and planning & writing our own diary entries based on the Plague.



Science- Ourselves- how to be healthy and fit.

Topic- How are you? – with strong links to Science and History.

PE- On Mondays: dance with Mrs Amin

On Thursdays: introducing playground games e.g. skipping, rounders

RE-Our RE topic this term is Hinduism.


We will be starting our KS1 testing this week. Make sure that you have a restful and relaxing weekend full of fun.

Feel free to talk about the testing to prepare your child but ensure that they know we just expect them to do their best: no pressure!

A good breakfast in the morning will also help.

Maths objectives that you could help with at home:

  • Practicing various strategies for +, -, x and ÷ e.g. using a blank number line, partitioning and recombining, sharing, arrays and using counting strategies.

SPaG objectives that you could help with at home:

  • Spelling words with –el, -le, -il and –al endings e.g. camel, table, pencil, oval
  • Spelling words ending in –tion e.g. station, mention
  • Understanding the rule of dropping the /y/ and adding –ies when pluralising e.g. baby- babies, city- cities
  • Using suffixes at the ends of words e.g. happily, engagement, plentiful and talking about the spelling rules
  • Adding adverbs to verbs e.g. walked slowly, smiled happily
  • Using different sentence types in writing; most importantly questions & exclamations