Week beginning 15th January 2018.

Week beginning 15th January 2018.


In Maths this week, we will add and subtract numbers up to three digits. We will explain our reasoning when solving problems.

In English, we will edit our reports and add additional facts to our reports about volcanoes.

In Science, we will identify the features of different rocks.

In Topic, we will investigate what to do if there is an earthquake.

Please check that your child has their PE kit so that they can participate effectively in the lesson.

Encourage your child to read every day and to complete a book review.

The children have passwords for Mathletics and Teach your monster to read, if they are not able to access their online work, please let us know.


We thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Taggart.

Mrs Glenn.

Mrs Tooze.

Mrs Edgeler.