Week beginning 14th September 2020


At Howard Primary School we have adopted The Power of Reading scheme for literacy. We will focus our literacy work on a core text.  The text we are working on is currently a secret and slowly we will reveal the title and the book to the children.

  • Responding to illustrations
  • Book talk, freeze frames and thought tracking
  • Write a diary entry
  • Design a game, gathering ideas and resources

Responding to illustrations

The children have already drawn their interpretation of this sentence ‘Noi lived with dad and six cats by the sea’


(not the real illustration)

On Monday, we will reveal the illustrator’s interpretation of the sentence ‘Noi lived with dad and six cats by the sea’. We will then compare the children’s picture to the real illustration – comparing and discussing similarities and differences.

Book talk, freeze frames and thought tracking

Children will be shown another illustration from the book and then they will work in small groups to recreate the moment in a freeze frame. We will be focusing children’s expression.



Thought tracking is a natural follow-up to still images and freeze frames. Once children have made an image, we would like them to   speak the thoughts or feelings of their character aloud. The children will be thinking about what Noi and his father are thinking.

Write a diary entry

Children will write a diary entry from Noi’s viewpoint. Typically, diary writing is used to recall the events of the day or week, and the feelings, thoughts and opinions that go with it.



Design a game, gathering ideas and resources

The children will be designing a game for Noi.


We are currently thinking about number and place value.

This week we are

  • Using place value charts to partition two-digit numbers

Partitioning numbers means being able to recognise the value of each digit within a number given by its place.


  • This image shows 33. The number 33 has tens and ones. 3 tens is equal to 30.
  • Comparing objects

Classifying and sorting involves finding things that are the same, or alike, and grouping them by specific traits or attributes.

  • Comparing numbers (using the symbols < less than, > greater than and = equals
    Children can use these symbols to show the compare numbers.

5 > 2 this shows that 5 is greater than 2, and 2 is less than 5.

56 < 67 this shows that 56 is less than 67 as 56 has less tens.

3 + 4 = 7 this show that 3 and 4 is the same as 7.

  • Ordering numbers

Children will order numbers from greatest to smallest, or from smallest to largest. Children will use their knowledge of place value to help them.

  • Counting in twos

Children will also learn to count in twos from any given number – 11, 13, 15 etc.





We will be learning more about Amy Johnson.


We will be starting to think about Materials and their uses. Children will explore what different items we use daily are made from. For example:

  • Knives and forks can be made from metal.
  • Chairs can be made from wood.
  • Shoes can be made from leather

Each material can be used to make a range of different things; for example, wood can be used to make tables, chairs, spoons, pencils, shoes, doors, floors and many more things.

Religious Education



This week we will be focusing on e-safety.


Children will explore sound body percussion.


We are awaiting PE slots.



We have introduced the children to a programme called Zones of Regulation which we are hoping will help regulate feelings and emotions and offer the children the correct way to talk about their feelings.

We have also continued to consolidate the school’s policy of Good to be Green and the 5C’s.