Tuesday, 24th March, 2020

Good Morning Every one,

Dear Parents We hope you and the children are well and are keeping safe and busy during this unprecedented time. We will continue to post a few new suggestions every day at 8:30 for as long as is required. During this time with the children, we would advise keeping to a schedule or routine that best suits everyone in your family. Please bear in mind that there are no expectations for your child to follow full school routines whilst at home. Simply adjusting their usual weekend routines to include a few short sessions of learning time will help to keep them on track with learning. It is also important to include time away from screens, so please do build in activity breaks. We also recommend the following published guidance when planning walks or other activities outside the home. (Scroll down to find some suggestions for on-screen activities to do at home). Keep safe and keep learning. Kind Regards Mrs Ramakrishnan & Mrs Jeevahan [/dropshadowbox}

Here are some suggested activities…
We are learning about Rain and focusing on the Paining by Rachel Dyer – Girl in the Rain – Walk through the Rain. Use the painting below and create your own story.
Painting Girl in the Rain Rachel Dyer

Hope you have managed to write your story. Today you can use the Year one Writing Expected Criteria to edit your work.

  •  Punctuation-Capital letters for names and I

Capital letters to start a sentence

Full stops.

Exclamation marks!


  • Letters are the right sizes
  • Finger spaces
  • Simple adjectives- long, dark, heavy
  • Conjunctions- and, because, when, so
  • Pronouns – he, she, it
  • Spell some tricky words
  • Use some sounds
  • Check that my sentence makes sense
  • Correct spelling of keywords
  • Begin to use joined-up writing

We have started to identify the fractions of shapes.

Can half and quarter these shapes.

  1. circle-
  2. triangle-
  3. square-
  4. rectangle
  5. pentagon-
  6. hexagon-
  7. octagon-

Can you write a paragraph about Herbivores.



Can you draw/paint/colour a ‘Spring Picture’.

Enjoy some fun exercise with PE with Jo every day at 9:00 am.

From Monday 23rd March there will be daily Phonics lessons provided by Ruth Miskin Training via this link: Daily Phonics lessons by Ruth Miskin Training
Children working with Ms Dale & Mrs Hunjan please follow Set 1 and Set 2
Mrs Ramakrishnan &Mrs Jeevahan’s group please follow set 3.
We will add more activities later on.

Mrs. Hunjan’s  and Miss. Dale’s Phonics Groups:

Mrs. Jeevahan’s Phonics Group:

Mrs. Ramakrishnan’s Phonics Group:

Watch the child friendly story of Corona virus. We have shared it in class and children are familiar with it.
Non screen activities to do…

Please continue reading at home as well as doing your Mathletics. We will continue to update …
Thank you for your help and support, Stay safe and healthy.