Thursday, 26th March, 2020

Good Morning! Hope you are all safe and enjoying the weather!
Our fun learning for today…
Let’s start the day with Fun P.E with Jo at 9:00 am. He is on youtube every morning with an excellent workout. Why don’t you join in too?

From Monday 23rd March there will be daily Phonics lessons provided by Ruth Miskin Training via this link: Daily Phonics lessons by Ruth Miskin Training
Children working with Ms Dale & Mrs Hunjan please follow Set 1 and Set 2
Mrs Ramakrishnan &Mrs Jeevahan’s group please follow set 3.

Please continue to learn to read and spell your keywords and write sentences using them in your homework book.

Enjoy sharing books at home and also try reading…
Amazon is allowing free audible books… Keep reading…

Children in Mrs Hunjan, Ms Dale & Mrs Jeevahan’s group.

Children in Mrs Ramakrishnan’s group.

Count in 2’s forward and back.

Continue learning fractions – halving/halves of objects/numbers.

Practise halving by sharing counters, toys, spoons or pasta between 2 people.
Have a break … try some cosmic yoga.

Remember we have learnt about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores… Here is a quick recap..

Draw pictures of omnivores and write a few sentences. Remember to use capital letters and full stops.
Non-screen activities to do…

Play board games – snakes and ladders, scrabble…
Please continue to do your Mathletics.
Take care and stay safe.