Southwark News Wk beginning 18th April

April 18th March 2017

We hope that you all have a fantastic, well-deserved break. It is hard to believe that we are almost ready to begin our final term in Year 4! Congratulation to all those children who earned their silver and bronze attendance medals today.

Please continue to read over the Easter break as often as possible. Please click on this link to view the Easter homework tasks. Easter homework

Our key learning objectives for our first week back will be as follows.

Maths: we will be reviewing our understanding of the place value of 4 digit numbers including x10 x100 and dividing by 10 and 100

Reading- This term we will be reading Where the Forest Meets the Sea by Jeannie Baker and The Vanishing Rainforest by Richard Platt and Rupert Van Wyk

Writing- we will be focusing on discussion and persuasion writing..

SPaG- our spelling focus will be sion words and  extending the range of conjunctions and types of sentences.

Science- Our science topic this term is Electricity.

We will be beginning our Rainforest topic covering Geography, P.E, Music, P.S.H.E and Art.