Southwark News Week beginning 22nd May

This week we will be focusing on:

Maths-We will be looking at coordinates, translating shapes and solving problems involving money.

Literacy-We will be reading-The Vanishing Rainforest by Richard Platt and  The Shaman’s Apprentice- another book by Lynne Cherry. Focusing on asking and answering questions to further our understanding of the lives of tribes living in the Amazon rainforest. Our spelling focus will be tricky or common exception words from the year 3 and 4 curriculum and learning ways to remember them ourselves. See the link below.

Tricky or common-exception-words-year-3-and-4-checklist

Our Grammar focus will be continuing to identify the role of words in a sentence, such as verbs, adverbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, determiners and conjunctions and using these in our own writing. A website the children have enjoyed using to support their grammar learning can be accessed using the link below.

Topic-Alongside our Literacy study, we will be developing our understanding of living in an environment very different from our own, the rain forest.

PE-We will be playing Miss Turpie’s football on Tuesday and Rounders on Thursday. Please remember that children need to bring a change of shoes to wear for p.e.

PSHE-We are learning about self-awareness and understanding our emotions and how they affect others.

Special Mentions

Well done to Good to be Green group-Pravanya, Aman, Nezake, Harry, Autumn and Riley-for gaining an amazing 201 marble points over the last two weeks!

Congratulations also go to Mona, Victoria, Aman, Favor and Quresh who all earned merit cards this week.

Please remember the importance of daily reading at home. Your child doesn’t have to read a whole book but regular reading and discussing books with an adult will help your child across all areas of the school curriculum. Please make sure Reading Passports are being completed as there are exciting prizes up for grabs.

We are all looking forward to our year group trip to Kew Gardens on Thursday 25th May. As the weather is particularly changeable at the moment please send your child in comfortable footwear for a day spent mainly outside with a waterproof jacket.

To finish this half term celebrating those children who consistently demonstrate our school’s core values, on Friday 26th May, any child who has ended each day this half term on a green card and has not received a red card will have the chance to watch a film voted for by the class.