Half Term

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#c0fef8″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Dear Parents

It has been a wonderful half term getting to know your children and we are delighted with how well they have settled into school life. I am especially pleased with how well they have bonded as a class, showing kindness and care for each other and working together as a team.

Also huge thanks to all of you for attending our parent evenings. It was pleasing to note that we had 100% parent attendance from Chelsea class parents. We hope you found this session useful and we look forward to your continued support throughout the year.

We hope the children have a well-deserved break this half term and return in the new term refreshed and ready for more fun learning in Reception. Please see below for a few videos which will help them to practise some of the things they have been learning about.

Have a great half term!

Kind regards, Miss Pillay and Miss Thompson [/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fffffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#0a39d9″ ]Here are a few useful videos to help your child to practise their learning:

MATHS -To practise number formation


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fffffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#34b221″ ]HOMEWORK:

Take a photo or draw a picture about one of the things you did in your half term holiday. Ask an adult to help you write a sentence about what you did. (eg. watching your favourite DVD at home or going to the park or to your friend’s house, etc.)

Class library books:

Please remember that library books are for enjoyment. Your child may not be able to read most of the words yet so please read it to them. Next term reading scheme books appropriate to your child’s level of ability will be sent home to practise skills for reading. For now, simply enjoy the pleasure of reading to your child as often as possible.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fffffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#fafa2b” ]What to look forward to next term?


To coincide with the shortening of daylight hours over the next few months, we will further investigate the concepts of light and dark. Through our book focus each week the children will also learn more about Space, The Planets and Space Exploration and Travel. We will also explore a range of significant events and celebrations which occur during this time of year such as Remembrance Day, Bonfire Night and Christmas. [/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fffffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#2bfae3″ ]IMPORTANT DATES

23rd to 27th October 2017: Half Term

Children return to school on Monday, 30th October 2017[/dropshadowbox]