
Welcome to Westminster Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Mrs Ramakrishnan

Teaching assistant: Miss Dale

Week beginning 19th November 2018

November 18, 2018


We were so impressed with the behaviour of Year 2 on our trip to the cinema! They represented our school beautifully. We hope the children enjoyed the film as much as we did! Thank you so much to those of you who offered/ were able to help.

This week we will be beginning our unit on film reviews. On Monday we will be story mapping Peter Rabbit to help us identify the key characters/ events of the story. On Tuesday the children will be completing a concept map similar to the ones they created about Autumn. We will then look at the key features of a film review with a strong focus on a synopsis (an overview of the film that does not give too much information away).


We are continuing to read The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl.


This week we will be looking at adding three one digit numbers. For example: 3+4+6= __. We will also be looking at missing number problems within this. For example: 4+__+3=12. If we know this then we also know that 12-4-3=__ (the missing number). This is an example of how you can use inverse operations to solve calculations.

We will also be doing a short assessment to conclude our first unit on addition and subtraction before we move onto money.

Your children will need to recognise the value of all coins and notes. We will be using coins to find different ways of making the same amounts. As much practical experience with money as possible is essential for reinforcing their understanding of it in a real life context. This unit has strong links to our work on addition and subtraction.

Something worth noting is that in year 2 there is no expectation that your children use a decimal point when discussing money. E.g £2.42 would be written as £2 and 42p instead.


We will be looking at the route Amy Johnson took from Croydon to Darwin. We will also be looking at some basic map symbols.


We will be looking at materials and their properties this half term.

Week Beginning 5th November 2018

November 5, 2018

This week we are starting a new topic on Autumn poetry.

We will be thinking about what we like about our chosen poem and the features and language patterns.

We will be going on an autumn walk before focusing on learning lots of new vocabulary. We will be using spider diagrams to enhance our vocabulary base.

SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)

There will also be a strong focus on using thesauruses to up-level newly learnt vocabulary.


We will be starting a new class read: The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl.

We will also be using pictures to work on key reading skills using the ERIC scheme.


This week we focusing on learning strategies for addition and subtraction of 2 two-digit numbers.

We will be using number lines and place value charts to calculate.



This week we are continuing to compare Croydon to Darwin in Australia.


We will be looking at materials and their properties this half term.


We will be looking at the achievements of Lewis Hamilton and his impact on us for Black History Month.


This week we will be looking at what makes a good friend.


Monday afternoon. The other slot is to be confirmed.