
Welcome to Westminster Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Mrs Ramakrishnan

Teaching assistant: Miss Dale

Week beginning 6th May 2019

May 8, 2019


We will be continuing with our work on Tuesday David Weisner with a focus on drama, asking questions and understanding police reports.


We will be moving onto measures. This week we will be covering the following objectives:

  • Comparing mass in kilograms.
  • Comparing capacity (ml/ litres)
  • Understanding millilitres
  • Understanding litres
  • Understanding temperature.

The key concepts the children need to know are that grams are greater than kilgrams, litres are greater than mililitres and the higher the number, the higher the temperature.

Reading scales in 2s, 5s and 10s when every number is given or there are missing numbers. You can help your child develop confidence with reading scales by baking a cake at home!


We have been looking at hot and cold colours and will be exploring the artist Khandinsky this half term.


We will be using atlases to look at the countries, capital cities and seas in the United Kingdom.


Our new topic is all about animals and habitats. We will be looking at things that are living, non-living and have never lived. Over the half term we will also be exploring a range of habitats including: the rainforest, desert and ocean We will be looking at how humans keep healthy as part of this unit.


We are going to be making the most of the good weather this term. We will be doing ball skills with tennis/ basketball and skipping.


Week beginning 29th April

April 25, 2019


This week we will be moving onto a new piece of writing which will be based on a picture book called Tuesday by David Weisner. We will be doing drama in the role of a police officer and witnesses. The children will also be looking at the features of a police report before we write one as a class.

Our end goal is to write a police report based on the story.


We will be continuing with our work on statistics this week before completing an assessment on position and direction.

We will be interpreting pictograms where the pictures represent amounts greater than 1. Have a look at some example below…

The key shows that each smiley face represents two aliens. Therefore half of a smiley face represents one alien. 4          aliens like maggots because 2+2=4. Three aliens like slugs eye balls the most since 2+1=3.

We will also be looking at block diagrams. These can be presented horizontally or vertically.




We will be looking at a new artist: Khandinsky. Our focus will be on his use of ‘hot and cold’ colours.


We will be using atlases to look at the countries, capital cities and seas in the United Kingdom.


Our new topic is all about animals and habitats. We will be looking at things that are living, non-living and have never lived. Over the half term we will also be exploring a range of habitats including: the rainforest, desert and ocean We will be looking at how humans keep healthy as part of this unit.


We are going to be making the most of the good weather this term. We will be doing ball skills with tennis/ basketball and skipping.