
We are continuing with our focus on a losing tale where a character loses a precious item. We will be using Julia Donalsdon’s story Monkey Puzzle as a stimulus for our writing.

We will be innovating a prequel and sequel for the original story. For example, what were baby monkey and mummy monkey doing before they lost one another. The ending will focus on how they intend to stay safe and together in the future.


We have come to the end of Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. Hungerford Class absolutely loved the story. Our next class read will be Why the Whales Came by Michael Morpurgo.


We have come to the end of our work on fractions and will be moving onto measure. Please see some examples relating to our fractions work below.

Our learning objectives will be as follows: to measure length in cm, to measure length in metres, to compare lengths, to order lengths and to use the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to problem solve about length.


Zippy’s Friends- we will be moving onto a new unit.


Monday: basketball.

Wednesday: skipping skills.