Here is a break down of what we will be covering in Blackfriars this week:

Maths– We will be continuing to work on telling the time, looking at digital time, 24 hour time, duration of events and problem solving.

English– We will be continuing our unit on poetry, looking at some poems about the Romans and having a go at writing our own poem about a Roman banquet.

Reading– We will continue to enjoy our class story The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher and we will continue Guided Reading sessions in small groups.

PE– We will be playing team games and thinking about continuing to build fitness through continuous aerobic activity.

Topic– We will be continuing  our topic about the Romans. We will learn a bit about them, their culture, religion and lifestyle and then begin to look at the Roman invasion of Britain.

PSHE- We will be continuing to think about teamwork, working together and how to get along.

RE- We will be continuing to learn about Sikhism.


Well done to all the children who have achieved merit cards, Kofi, Malachi, Sophie, Atif, Aishu, AJ, Deon, Harley and Maks.

Well done to the blue table who have got  off to an early lead in the table points competition.

Additional information

Homework this week is reading, Mathletics, Spellodrome, continuing to learn times tables and a sheet to practise using Roman numerals.